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The Supreme Man: Took Everything in Power novel Chapter 1

Inside the black, gold-laced Blaise Castle of Coliree Island, the first fortress of Empire Qustia, stood the one and only Kingsley Nicholson. With his hands behind his back, he was announcing to the Four Great Celestial Saints and Eight Infernal Demons, "The Empire of Qustia will enter a decade of peace now that the fire has ceased. Meanwhile, I will return to Cleapolis to investigate the fire. I will entrust everything in the fortress to you, my fellow comrades."

The Four Great Celestial Saints and Eight Great Infernal Demons were frontier chancellors of Qustia's twelve military districts.

Thus, giving all twelve of them power over the whole of Qustia's military forces.

A man in silver armor known as Lancer, came forward and spoke deferentially. "Ares, although the fire has ceased, according to reliable sources, our three neighboring countries will probably send forces to infiltrate Qustia. We have to be on alert!"

"That, I know." Kingsley's light brown eyes shifted slightly. "The first batch of informants from the Empire of the Setting Sun, Sweoya, has infiltrated Cleapolis. My return would be to obliterate these swines myself."

With that, he ambled down the black stone steps to the twelve men and cooed, "My seven sisters are still waiting for me. It's been a decade; time to go home..."

Flabbergasted, the Four Great Celestial Saints and Eight Great Infernal Demons exchanged glances, for they had never seen Ares, the God of War, reveal such gentleness throughout their decade spent with him.

Meanwhile, Kingsley swept his gaze across the floor and ordered, "Lancer, Hades, you two follow me to Cleapolis. The rest of you will return to your stations in the military districts. Keep a close eye on the movements at the border and wait for orders." "Sir, yes, sir!" Everyone boomed and escorted the God of War out of Coliree Island to annihilate the enemies' spies.

After arriving at Solaris Province, Kingsley ordered Lancer and Hades to travel to Cleapolis ahead of him in the military vehicle while he traveled light on a coach.

He had two purposes for returning to Cleapolis this time.

One, to dig into the fire tragedy that happened seventeen years ago when he was five. Amidst the fire, he saw how someone used a rope to strangle his parents to death.

This was one revenge he could not overlook!

And two, to dig out the first batch of foreign informants hidden in Cleapolis and nip their enemy's schemes in the bud!

However, both purposes required him to keep a low profile. Thus, he decided to part ways with Lancer and Hades in advance to return to Cleapolis alone by coach.

"The terminus of this coach is Cleapolis Central Tech Plaza North Railway Station.

The duration of this journey will take up to two hours. Please fasten your seatbelts. We

will be departing shortly."

Kingsley could barely contain his excitement as he looked out the window at the familiar yet strange streetscape while listening to the public announcement.

Ten years, and I'm finally coming home I

After his parents were brutally murdered when he was five, he was sent to an orphanage where he lived with seven sisters with whom he had no blood relations.

When he turned twelve, he believed he had already grown up and it was time to avenge his parents. Hence, he sneaked out of the orphanage.

On his journey, he met a man who took him in as his godson. After that, the man took him to Coliree Island and guided him every step of the way until he became the God of War, Ares, who ruled over the military world.


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