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The Supreme Man: Took Everything in Power novel Chapter 157

Leoric gulped. "Um, Mr. Nicholson, you probably don't know our boss much. She's n a—

"Leoric! Watch your tongue!" Baron stopped him before he could finish. Everyone knew Victoria was a madwoman, and she was cruel and extreme. Everyone in the underworld of Cleapolis knew that, but Leoric must not say that to Kingsley. That's his sister. I don't want Leoric getting on his bad side because of this.

Kingsley raised his hand and smiled. "It's alright. You were going to say she's as fierce and terrifying as a tigress, weren't you?"

"How did you know what I was gonna say?" Leoric blurted out, but then he realized what he just said and covered his mouth.

His face was white, and he waved his hands around frantically. "That's not what I mean. Our boss is a gentle lady..."

"It's alright." Kingsley smiled. "I know the kind of woman she is." Victoria was only about eight years old back then, but she was already the biggest bully around. The kids called her 'boss' because she forced them to, and she also made sure they gave her sweets and snacks from time to time. Of course, Kingsley was the one who had most of the snacks. Victoria would always pat his shoulder and say proudly, "Kingsley, just tell me if you have any cravings. I'll ask my lackeys to send them over!"

Because of that, parents would come to the orphanage with their crying kids and complain to Joseph about what Victoria did. A leopard never changed its spots. Kingsley could see that Victoria was still as bossy as ever, or she would never have become one of the Seven Legends. A gentle smile curled his lips, and he said, "You'll handle this village now. Tell your boss I'll see her soon."

"Of course, sir." Leoric wiped the sweat off his head. "I'll make sure I tell her that. Do you need anything else, sir?"

Kingsley looked at the time. "I'm here to look for a Sweoyan. Do you know anything about that?" It was already noon. If a local like Leoric had no clues, he would have to ask Baron's men to keep looking.

"A Sweoyan?" Leoric frowned and went through his memories. "Now that you mentioned it, I do know something. After Kenzo, that b*stard, kicked us out of Crimson Hall, we rented a place in Upstream Village, and there were two guys living next door. I am sure they ain't the locals, and I overheard their conversation a few times. The language sounds like the ones I hear in anime. I bet they're Sweoyans."

Kingsley's eyes shone. "That's them, I bet!"


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