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The Supreme Man: Took Everything in Power novel Chapter 159

Yvonne blinked at him, and then realization struck her. Hey, this mister's name is Kingsley Nicholson, and Leroy's boss is Mr. Nicholson. Could he be the mysterious boss I've heard so much about? But he's so young! She clenched her fists and promised that she would study hard to get into a good college. Even if Kingsley was not the mysterious Mr. Nicholson, she still had to become a better woman if she wanted to stand by his side.

At this moment, someone came knocking. "Are you there, Leoric? It's me, Bobby!"

Leoric stood up. "The landlord's here."

A man in a tank top, shorts, and slippers came in. "What's wrong, Leoric? You sound like you're in a hurry."

Kingsley had come out as well.

Leoric pointed at him. "My boss wants to ask you something."

Bobby was surprised Leoric would call Kingsley boss, and he quickly got serious.

"There's nothing I don't know about the urban village, sir. Ask away!"

Kingsley did not waste any time and asked, "Did two guys rent one of your houses lately?"

"Yeah. They're from out of town. Got a weird accent too, but there's three of them, not two." Bobby said, "My place is a mini warehouse. There's no bedroom or any walls separating the space, so I told them it would be hard for three guys to stay in that place."

"Wait, there's three of them?" Leoric asked. "But I've only seen two."

Kingsley cocked his eyebrow. So, someone has been hiding instead of going around with their partners. He felt relieved he did not alert the enemy, or one of them would have escaped under his nose. "I see." Kingsley said, "This has nothing to do with you, so pretend this never happened."


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