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The Supreme Man: Took Everything in Power novel Chapter 175

Larry flipped through the medical report and said, "The patient has been bedridden for too long. He has low levels of immunity, and there are signs of joint contracture along his Achilles tendon. Also, he did not maintain a proper dietary intake, so his body lacks the necessary vitamins and nutrients, or in other words, he is malnourished."

When Larry noticed the frown on Kingsley's face, he hurriedly added, "However, due to the patient's active lifestyle prior to this, his body is still in relatively good health. The aforementioned symptoms will not pose too much of a problem."


"Malnutrition can be easily addressed with a gradual increase in dietary intake, while the Achilles tendon contracture can be remedied with physical therapy," Larry elaborated. "It's clear that the patient's family has taken very good care of him. The patient doesn't have any of the usual rashes, sores, or inflammation that we

usually see in bedridden patients."

Kingsley nodded. "This means that he will fully recover once we look into his nutrition, treat his paralysis, and conduct physical therapy?"

"Yes... Uhh, actually no..." Larry's expression became a little awkward. "About that... Let me be frank with you. His injury is on his lumbar spine, and it has been a very long time, so there is very little hope of him regaining the ability to walk..."

Kingsley had a faint smile on his face. "You don't need to worry about that. I have my ways of treating him."

All the other doctors present, including Larry, were left speechless.

Even Alice muttered under her breath, "Kingsley, what are you saying? Even I can tell that there's no hope in treating his injury. Don't make a fool out of yourself by speaking so carelessly."

Kingsley smirked and did not bother defending himself.

All would be proven once he performed acupuncture on Joshua the day after tomorrow!

Kingsley lowered his eyes to gaze at Joshua, who was lying on the hospital bed. He spoke reassuringly, "Did you hear that, Mr. Johnson? The doctors said that your body is in good condition. The hospital will be giving you nutritional supplements for the next two days, so just stay here and have a good rest. You don't need to worry about anything else."

Overwhelmed with emotion, Joshua trembled as he grasped Kingsley's hand and declared, "Thank you. Really, Thank you so much, Mr. Nicholson. I never thought that I would be able to get such a thorough medical checkup."

"You don't need to thank me. This is all credited to Leroy's excellent performance at the company, and it's the company that's providing this benefit in return."

He took a look around the room and asked curiously, "Didn't you tell Leroy about you coming to the hospital? Why isn't he here?"

Joshua wiped his grateful tears away and explained, "I did tell him, but he said that he was supervising on-site, so he couldn't leave."

Kingsley nodded in understanding. He recognized that this was Leroy's way of repaying him.

He could not help but sigh at Leroy's innocence and sincerity.

"Don't worry, Mr. Johnson. The company will ensure that Leroy takes a few days off to come and accompany you," Kingsley said. "Make sure you rest well over these two days. I'll start your treatment the day after tomorrow."

"Thank you. Thank you, Mr. Nicholson. I am forever in your debt..."

Joshua's tears were streaming down his face as he thanked Kingsley profusely.


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