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The Supreme Man: Took Everything in Power novel Chapter 188

The Mitterans were boiling with anger over what they heard as their fair faces instantly grew as red as the reddest rubies.

"Why are you all so pleased with yourselves?! That patient's movement earlier might have just been a reflex action!"

The other Mitterans echoed the point made. "That's right! The patient hasn't recovered at all! As long as the patient isn't standing on his own two feet, we won't acknowledge Qustia's traditional medicine!"

"True! We'll even sue you for throwing mud at our dignity! How dare you call us white chimpanzees?! You bunch of yellow swines!"

Being the targets of the Mitterans' insult, everyone present was fuming with rage as the prior excitement they had instantly vanished.

Although Hewlett's words were hard pills to swallow, the others couldn't deny the slightest possibility that the movement Joshua did were mere reflexes. After all, the patient was still not standing on his own yet. Until then, no one could possibly predict what the final outcome would be.

"Were we celebrating too soon? Will a miracle really happen?"

"Ugh, I really hope that the patient will be able to stand up in the end. That'll show those Mitterans!"

"Yeah, don't just get our hopes up like that..."

After listening to their discussion, Matt became much more composed and secretly sighed in relief. "In the first place, the chances for such a miracle is..."

Simultaneously, Kingsley was getting into the final phase as the nine gold needles—that looked like they had grown wings—kept circling around at his fingertips. In the next second, the needles all flew to the various acupoints on Joshua. However, whether the needles were pricking, kneading, flicking, or twisting at the acupoints, even the ones present couldn't comprehend.

Nevertheless, they were all captivated by the impressive display of Kingsley's technique as they subconsciously held their breath. Among them, only Matt coldly snorted before he whispered dismissively, "Such petty tricks! You might as well make juggling your main career!"

Following that, as a bead of sweat from Kingsley's forehead dripped down onto the ground, he said to the patient, "Mr. Johnson, the next will be the most crucial part of the treatment. You'll have to endure it no matter what!"

Joshua clenched his teeth and nodded in response. "I'm ready! Do it!"

Immediately after Joshua's answer, with the exception of the round needle, Kingsley had the other eight gold needles between each of his fingers and spread them in the shape of a fan.

The respective acupoints Kingsley targeted were ST-36, ST-40, ST-37, 66-39, ST-41, Liv-3, and SP-6.


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