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The Supreme Man: Took Everything in Power novel Chapter 210

With that, the bigwigs waved each other goodbye and left Marley Hotel in their respective limousines. In the blink of an eye, only Stanley, Andrew, Jeffred, Paige, and the Wynns—who crumbled to the ground—were left in the spacious banquet hall.

Seeing how desolation now ruled the banquet hall's initially lively atmosphere, Stanley got so exasperated that he simply wished he could kill the Wynns. He glared daggers at Elijah, saying, "I invited you guys here to meet Ares with the best of intentions, and you guys had to ruin my dinner!"

At this moment, the Wynns were already reduced to despair. With those bigwigs teaming up to punish Clark Corporation, the company would surely be toast overnight, and the Wynns would be reduced from a second-class family to an average well-to-do family. No, perhaps we won't even make it as a well-to-do family! They were so overwhelmed with regret that Stanley's casual word of reproach could no longer stir their emotions in the slightest.

Clarence let out a sigh before asking Henry, "Dad, what should we do about this…"

"What should we do…" Henry coughed heavily for a moment. Then, he said weakly, "What else can we do? Those people aren't gonna let off our family unless we can get Ares to forgive us!"

When Alex heard this, his eyes lit up at once. He suggested in a quavering voice, "Grandpa, Dad, let's find Ares and do everything possible to ask for his forgiveness… Perhaps Clark Corporation can still be saved!"

"That's a good idea…" Clarence let out a sigh. "But how are we gonna find him? How can we find such a big gun easily?"

"Just pull a few strings and check the surveillance footage!" Alex pointed at the surveillance camera outside the window. "This is the downtown area, where every nook and cranny is under surveillance! As long as we carefully check the surveillance footage starting from the moment Ares left the parking lot, we'll surely find him!"

Upon listening to their conversation, Paige suddenly hit upon a strange idea. Could that lunatic old man really be Ares? She recalled what Kingsley had said to the old man:

"Don't worry, the entire Wynn Family will apologize to you!"

Wasn't the situation right now developing in the way he had described? She had a flash of inspiration. Don't tell me… Kingsley is the real Ares?


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