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The Supreme Man: Took Everything in Power novel Chapter 238

Everyone was soon settled into their rooms.

At ten in the morning, the 18th Cleapolis Medical Forum officially started.

There was not a lot planned for the morning.

As usual, after the host made the opening speech, they introduced the experts present and the topics that would be discussed in the next three days.

At half past eleven, they dispersed for their lunch buffet.

After taking a simple meal for herself, Alice said to Kingsley, "We have two hours for our lunch break. Let's explore the foot of Mount Crowler."

It just so happened that Kingsley was interested in exploring as well. Hence, the two of them departed toward the mountain.

Just as they arrived at the foot of the mountain, they saw several muscular men dressed in black suits walking over. The group of men had fierce looks on their faces.


The man who spoke was Wendell, the right-hand man of Baron.

At the sight of Kingsley, the hostility in Wendell's expression melted away. "Why are you here, boss?"

"I was about to ask you that. Why are you here?" Kingsley wondered. "Jadeland Heights has been booked out, right? How did you get in?"

"I know the security guard captain here. He let us in," Wendell answered with an awkward chuckle.

"We got a job here. Tonight, we are to kill someone in Mount Crowler, so we came to scout out the area."

"Who are you killing?" A look flashed in Kingsley's eyes.

"We don't know yet. The guy said he would be bringing the target into the mountains. We just need to kill him."

Wendell did not dare lie to Kingsley. "However, from the way he spoke, I think they would be having their way with Dr. Kramer after luring the target away..."

When Alice heard that, her face twisted with realization. "Dr. Kramer?"

Wendell glanced at her before saying, in an attempt at flattery, "You are... his wife?"

"She is my sister," Kingsley answered with a frown. "You can also call her Dr. Kramer."

Wendell was at a loss for words.

Suddenly, all the blood fled from his face.

It took a while before Wendell could stammer out, "D-Dr. Kramer? That brat wants your sister! That means the person he wants dead is..."

At that, he suddenly stopped speaking.

Seeing the icy look in Kingsley's eyes made Wendell's heart sink.


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