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The Supreme Man: Took Everything in Power novel Chapter 256

"No, no, that is not what I meant." The man quickly waved his hand as he cleared up the misunderstanding. "It is just that I admire Dr. Nicholson for having such a beautiful lady by his side!"

What the hell?! I'm definitely not tired of loving, so I wouldn't dare get on his bad side!

Kingsley and Alice walked into the banquet hall together with everyone's envious gazes on them.

Beau's eyes immediately glinted lustfully when he saw Alice's sensual figure.

Glancing at his watch, he murmured anxiously, "Sh*t! Why is time passing by so slowly?! I can't f*cking wait anymore!”

Zayne had already put the plan in motion right at this moment. All he had to do now was wait for nightfall so that he could lure Kingsley away.

However, Beau's eyes were blinded with his desire for Alice and he kept staring at her body. He could only take glances at his watch every now and then while he prayed for the sky to turn dark faster.

The dinner banquet officially began at 6.30PM.

After everyone gathered in the hall, they started chatting among themselves as they had a taste of the unique red wine of Jadeland Heights.

Alice had a wine glass in her hand that she slightly covered her red lips with. In a low voice, she whispered, "Kingsley, Beau has been staring at us..."

The corners of Kingsley's mouth raised when he heard that and he scoffed. "He is probably filling his head with beautiful thoughts now. I will let him enjoy himself a little


"What do you think they will do to get you to leave, Kingsley?” Alice frowned and continued, "Why do I feel so uneasy?"

He only calmly replied, "Doesn't matter what they do; I will handle them accordingly. They are but mere ants to me. Nothing they do will change anything."

Time went by in the blink of an eye as they conversed.

The sky had gradually gotten darker, but the smell of alcohol in the hall had also intensified.

The men and women around had all found someone they fancied, and the atmosphere had reached the apex of the night.

This only further fueled Beau's impatience!

As he glanced at his watch with every passing second, he started to pace back and forth, as though he was stepping on coal.

"Just what is up with Zayne? Why is there still no update when it is already nighttime?"

While Beau was frantically shuffling back and forth while holding his wine glass, Kingsley's ringtone started going off.


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