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The Supreme Man: Took Everything in Power novel Chapter 260

Zayne's eyes stared ahead dazedly while his muscles spasmed as though he was suffering from an electric shock.

"Yup. I am Ares, the God of War." Kingsley flashed him a small smile. "Do you know why I am telling you my secret?”

He continued to speak before Zayne could answer him. "Because you are about to have your tongue cut off. You are going to be a human swine who can neither speak nor write. I don't have to worry about you revealing my secret."

Zayne’s blood froze, and he was so scared he urinated on the spot.

Did I actually plan to kill the God of War himself and dispose of his body in the woods?I was just planning my own death, wasn't I?!

"No... This wasn't supposed to happen..." Seemingly in a trance, Zayne shook his head in denial. "How could you be the Ares, the God of War? It is impossible..."

As he spoke, his pupils suddenly dilated and he mumbled, "D-Did you already know earlier on about Beau and my plan? Am I the one who... fell into the trap?"

"It seems you still have some brain cells left in that head of yours." Kingsley nodded. "The reason I went along with it was for Jeffred's sake, and I wanted to give you a chance. Too bad, though. You have let your father's efforts all this time go to waste."

Zayne's face turned ashen then. "W-What about Alan Gershwin? Is he not knocked out and locked up?"

"That is right. Professor Gershwin is taking a good rest in the room." "W-What about Beau?" Zayne looked desperate as he threw out one question after another. "What will you do with him?"

"Give it a guess." Kingley smirked.

"What could the five boxers who were supposed to guard the professor be doing now?"

Hearing that, Zayne immediately thought, I am dead'.All my plans!All my revenge'.It is a child's play in the eyes of the God of War!

Like a clown, he had fooled himself into thinking that he was in control of the whole situation.

But in fact, Kingsley didn't even need to do much, and had single-handedly crushed Zayne's so-called 'grand plan' to smithereens...

The banquet at Jadeland Hotel ended right about then.

Throughout the night, Beau had stuck to Alice's side while he toasted her one drink after another.

"What's wrong, Dr. Kramer? Are you getting tipsy? Should I bring you to your room for a rest?"

His blood was boiling with excitement at the sight of Alice's eyes turning misty from the alcohol.


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