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The Supreme Man: Took Everything in Power novel Chapter 264

Alice's slender and soft fingers gently caressed Kingsley's scars, and tears of heartache soon began to fall.

"Kingsley, how did you survive the past 10 years of your life?" Her fingers kept running across his body. "I am devastated that I wasn’t there to protect you when you needed it most..."

He had started becoming increasingly hot and bothered with her every touch. "Don't feel sad about it, Alice. You touching me makes me sad too..."

She jolted in surprise upon hearing his words. "Why does it make you sad? Could it be that they still hurt?" she asked worriedly.

"They're not painful..." He took a deep breath before continuing, "Alice, do doctors learn about physiology?"

"Physiology? Of course we did—"

As she spoke, she suddenly came to a realization and her face immediately turned crimson.

"I am asking about your scars! Can you not mess around?!"

She tried her best to keep her pretty face expressionless, but her heartbeat was almost deafening.

"My dear sister, stop worrying about the scars!" Using his arms, Kingsley rolled over and pressed her against the bed. He then breathed, "It's such a buzzkill to be talking about scars in a place as beautiful as Mount Crowler."

The only thing that was between their bodies now was a thin layer of silk pajamas.

He could clearly feel how her warm body trembled against his.

"Alice, have you missed me these 10 years?"

"I have..." "How much did you miss me?"

"So, so much. The thought of you always kept me awake at night."

Alice's face was turning redder by the second as her body temperature rose.

"Kingsley, I think I am drunk." She gently sighed. "My body feels so weak..."

As he listened to her sensual voice, his hazel eyes gradually turned misty.

"Alice, we—"


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