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The Supreme Man: Took Everything in Power novel Chapter 266

"Kill me?" Beau continued to lie prone on the ground and laughed grimly. "I know you are from the underworld, but this is a medical conference! You won't be able to get away with it if you kill me!"

Hearing that, Kingsley raised his eyebrows and casually replied, "I don't need a dying man to worry about me getting away with it."

As he spoke, he waved a hand at Rugir and the others. "Take him to the conference room where the Medical Forum will be held in!" he instructed. After receiving the order, the five strong men re-entered the room and started walking toward Beau.

The blood instantly drained from Beau's face as he watched the five tall and mighty figures approaching.

In that moment, the terrifying memories of last night flooded his head, frightening him so much that his bottom end relaxed before a foul smell came gushing out of his body!

Fortunately, he didn't have to worry about soiling his pants as he was naked.

Seeing the filth from Beau's lower half, a disgusted Rugir kicked him and cursed, "F*ck! That is f*cking gross!" After that, he turned to his four men and barked an order. "Wrap him in the sheets and carry him to the conference room!"

"No..." Beau's face was filled with despair as he moaned. "I still have to work in the industry in the future; I can't go out like this..."

"Work? You better save your f*cking self first!" Rugir coldly reprimanded him. "Bring him out!"

The moment the order was given, the four burly men immediately grabbed a crumpled sheet and tightly wrapped the man putting up a fight in it.

At the same time, the conference room was gradually getting filled with people.

It was a three-day medical conference, and the attendees would continue to discuss other topics today.

After everyone was seated, someone asked in a hushed voice, "Dr. Ginger, did you also stay on the 6th floor of the hotel yesterday? Did you hear anything strange?"

"Sure did!" said the bespectacled man, who was sitting across. "It was such a chilling scream. Listening to it gave me a nightmare!"

Hearing their conversation, an aboveaverage-looking female doctor next to them interjected, "You all heard it too, right?! I stayed in Room 617, and I heard it faintly! It was terrifying!"

"Room 617?" Dr. Ginger chuckled and asked, "Wasn't that Larry's room?

Looks like you two did something together last night..."

The female doctor blushed and bashfully hit him. "Geez, keep it to yourself! Don't talk nonsense!" "Hal Dr. Lute, it is quite lonely for me to be alone in my room. How about you come to my room tonight—"

Hearing that, the female doctor covered her mouth and giggled. "Sure. Let's see if you or Dr. Daniels is better..."


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