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The Supreme Man: Took Everything in Power novel Chapter 294


Scarlett gave the person a tight slap and chided, "Logan, I still want to live even if you don't! I'm telling you, if you dare to speak too much, I'll pull out your tongue right now!"

A terrified Logan covered his mouth and gawked at her while answering timidly, "Okay, I realized my mistake now, Red. I'll keep my mouth shut—"

"Let's go! We'll pretend that nothing happened today. Also, a big change is going to happen to this place," she said warily. "We'll have to think of another way out..."

After everyone had left, Kingsley took a short nap on the bed, and at a little past 10.00PM, his eyes fluttered open slowly.

Right after he had a simple change of clothes, he left the house and drove to the entertainment city.

Scarlett's hotel was close to the entertainment city and it took him no effort to reach. At the parking lot, the valet boy took a glance at his Phaeton and trotted over in a pleasant manner. "Sir, would you like to visit the bar, restaurant or the sauna? I'll be your guide."

Kingsley took a glance around the tall buildings which were bright with colorful lights and said composedly, "I would like to head to the casino."

"The casino?" The muscles on the valet boy's face froze. "May I ask if you have a membership card?"

"What? I’ll need a membership card to go to the casino?"

"Yes, sir. Only those who spend over 100,000 in the entertainment city are entitled to have the membership card of the casino, or you may enter together with a senior member."

A frown appeared on Kingsley's face.

"But it's my first visit here. You can't just turn me away at the door.”

The valet boy's attitude started to become aloof. "I'm sorry, but this is the rule of the entertainment city."

Tapping his fingers on the wheel gently, Kingsley considered his options silently. The Sunshine Casino was Xanxus' most important business spot and if he wanted to take care of Xanxus, he had to start from Sunshine Casino. In addition, only at the casino could he attract Xanxus' attention and successfully approach him with one move.

Of course, he could also drive straight in now, barging in solely on his courage, and point a gun at Xanxus' temple.

However, he was Ares, the God of War, who commanded thousands of troops based on strategy, and not a dumb, reckless man who rush for the kill wildly without any certainty!

While Kingsley's brows were knitted tightly together as he evaluated how he should enter the casino, a pink Land Rover stopped next to him.


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