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The Supreme Man: Took Everything in Power novel Chapter 95

Kingsley scratched the back of his head, prevaricating, "Uh, well, he's a brother of my comrade's, and he was just going along with my act."

His sisters knew that he had been a soldier in the army before this, and in times like these when lying was a necessity, he credited his imaginary comrades for his behavior.

"A brother of your comrade's?" Serena frowned as she eyed him skeptically. "And what about the thirty belts you just splurged on? Pretty sure you just racked up a two-million-something credit card bill back there."

He blinked and stammered, "Oh, um, he... he might be a luxury boutique manager, but he secretly sells counterfeit goods on the side. The belts I bought are all fake, and they're not worth more than eight hundred."

"Fake?!" Serena's eyes widened. "Are you seriously asking me to hand out these counterfeits to my friends from the dojo?

These are people who have been all over the world, and believe me when I say they can spot a counterfeit from a mile away!"

"Don't worry about it, Serena. We're talking about high-quality counterfeits here, and I promise you, they won't be able to tell it apart from the real stuff!" He changed the topic before she could argue with him any further on this. "Anyway, would you have killed Noah if I hadn't held you back just now?"

A cheeky smile tugged on her lips. "Nah, I don't go around killing people for free, you know." She had let the matter drop after Kingsley interjected.

It wasn't so much that she let the matter drop as it was that she chose to believe Kingsley like how Keene had. She was sure that he would never lie, and that even if he did, it was with good intentions.

"Hey, Kingsley, why don't you come as my plus-one to the reunion? I figured you haven't eaten yet," Serena offered.

He hummed in response as he considered the fact that he truly hadn't eaten and that he didn't want Noah to stir up trouble for

his sister, then nodded and he said, "Okay."

The Paradise Mall was close by the Bayou, which was merely a ten-minute walk away.

Presently, in Carolina Court, about twenty young men and women were gathered around a long banquet table as they chattered among themselves.

"My, my, Nancy, aren't you just gorgeous?" Emory said to a woman who looked ordinary at best. "I haven't seen you in years and you show up looking even more stunning than the Two Muses had ever looked!"

Nancy Stewart clapped her hand over her mouth and giggled abashedly as she said, "It's all thanks to the expensive beauty treatments I get every now and then. Looking young sure comes with a price, right?"

Emory chuckled awkwardly at this and his eyes swiveled to the man next to her, then asked, "And this handsome gentleman over here must be your fiance, am I right?" "Why, yes." Nancy leaned into the man's embrace and announced happily, "Tyler and I are getting married next month!"

Upon hearing this, those around the couple did not waste time in offering their blessings.


"The both of you are a match made in heaven!"


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