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The Sweet Rival (Mango Shen and Nathaniel Ye) novel Chapter 626

"What's going on? Doctor! Doctor!"

Rainie panicked all of a sudden.

Why wasn't there any sound?


The doctor came rushing back as soon as he heard Rainie's cries.

"Miss Blu, what's wrong?"

"What's wrong with her voice? No sound came out when she tried to speak!"

Rainie asked as she grabbed the doctor's collar abruptly.

The doctor was still a little confused, but as soon as he saw Mango, he was stunned for a moment.

"I'm not sure. We've already done a full check-up. There's nothing wrong with her vocal cords unless it's damaged by external factors."

"What do you mean external factors?"

"Maybe she took some drug or something."

Hearing the doctor's words, Rainie's anger boiled. She was more than furious right now.

Was Nathaniel dead?

He had actually allowed Mango to be hurt like this?!

Rainie grabbed the doctor anxiously and said, "No matter what you do, you must treat her! Money is no issue! You hear me?"

"Yes, yes, Miss Blu, I will try my best. Mr. Blu invests in this hospital too. Don't worry, I assure you, I'll do everything I can."

"I'm counting on you."

Rainie's face was already covered in tears.

Mango was her best friend. Rainie feared for her as she saw her like this.

The doctor quickly got to work immediately.

Soon, Mango was once again sent into the emergency room for further examination.

Rainie's heart ached as if it was being pulled apart.

But at this moment, her phone rang.

"Rainie, where are you? Why aren't you home yet?"

An elderly voice rang out on the other end.

After hearing this, Rainie paused for a moment and said, "I won't be home tonight. I have a friend who came to Estania, and I'm going to stay with her tonight." "Which friend are you talking about? You can bring her home. Didn't you say that the chef is great at cooking? Bring her back and let your old man have a look. Okay?"

The voice continued gently.

Rainie clutched at her chest and said in a low voice, "She's sick. Let's wait till she gets better. Besides, Aunt Dahlia may not like me bringing my friends home."

"You don't have to worry about her. You're my daughter! All these years, I haven't done much for you as a father. Now that you're back, I won't let you suffer anymore."

However, her dad's words saddened Rainie a little instead of putting her at ease.

"Let's talk about it later. I've got to go now."

After that, Rainie ended the call.

As she looked at the emergency room where Mango was, a terrible feeling took over her.

After she and Thomas left Ocean City, they met Ronan Blu coincidentally.

She never knew that she had a father, and he was actually a very wealthy businessman.

At that time, Thomas had returned to Ocean City because of an urgent matter around the time where they were supposed to be married. Right at this moment, Ronan appeared out of the blue.

He said that Rainie and his dead wife looked very much alike, and he asked Rainie to do a paternity test.

Rainie was reluctant, but she did it in the end.

Who would've thought that the results of the tests stated they were actually father and daughter!

Ronan told Rainie that right after her mother had given birth to her, she had been abducted. To protect her, her mother had thrown her away, hoping that there would be someone kind enough to take her in, and she herself passed away under the torture of the kidnappers.

It was a pain that haunted him his whole life.

After that, he had ordered people to look for Rainie, but years passed without any news. Later, he was introduced to his current wife, Dahlia Brown, and they had a son. However, he still missed his eldest daughter dearly.

Luckily, God was kind enough to help put together this heartwarming union. When Ronan finally found Rainie, he had burst into tears.

Rainie never would have thought that she would have a chance to meet her biological parents again. After learning the truth, her resentment towards them evaporated completely.

After that, she had followed Ronan back to Estania. She had wanted to tell Thomas, but he seemed to have been very busy and didn't reply to any of her messages.

She was brought back to the Blu Family, only to find that she was treated like an outsider in that house.

Dahlia was decent to her, and her half- brother, Denver Blu, was kind to her too. Ronan treated her even better, but she didn't feel at home at all. It was awkward and unnatural, even though Ronan provided her with only the best.

If she wasn't home yet, the Blu Family would wait for her so that they could have dinner together. In fact, this touched Rainie deeply.

Now, it was way past dinnertime. Rainie had completely thrown herself into Mango's issue and had forgotten about returning home for dinner.

She put her phone away. Everything that had happened up till now felt unreal to her. It was as if she was looking at it all through a foggy mirror, hazy and unfocused. It was only when she saw Mango today did she finally feel some sense of reality.

She was still herself!


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