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The Trap Of Ace novel Chapter 10

"W-what're you doing here?" I couldn't even ask without stuttering.

Stormy grey eyes roamed over my features, briefly glancing at my lips. They watched me as if they had waited too long…

I gave myself an inner shake. I was assuming things that weren't possible.

"Well?" Voice firm this time. How did he even enter the ladies washroom area? Oh yes, I forgot that he owned this whole damn thing.

"Came to see if you're okay," he said, deep Greek accent strong. Was he- mad?

"How many times do I've to tell you that you don't need to be concerned about me? It's not your job to care for me."

"Someone has to if that so-called friend of yours can't even take a stand for you like a loser he is!" he mocked, gaze hard.


So he knew what happened outside?

My eyes narrowed. "Excuse me? Don't you think you're crossing your limits here? You don't have a say in how my boyfriend is or not!"

A muscle of his jaw ticked. "I'm just stating the truth. Only a loser leaves their friend alone after she just got targeted by some drunkards!"

"He didn't leave me. He- he just went to take a phone call," I defended. "And I'm his girlfriend, not just a friend."

His eyes flashed, nostrils flaring as he cocked his head. "Not for long."

"What do you mean?" I asked, confused.

He stepped closer, making me stumble back. And then another until my back hit the wall, his towering figure blocking my escape.

"W-what are you doing? Step away." The intense gaze of his had my heart skip. His intoxicating cologne filled my lungs. He needed to create some distance between us. It was too much.

Placing his hands at the both sides of my face, he leaned in; my heart thudded inside my chest. "I meant, you will NOT be his girlfriend for long." Determination latched into his eyes.

"How do you know that?" I whispered. His close proximity was doing something to me.

When he brushed my cheek with his knuckles gently, a treacherous shaky breath left my lips. And then the bruise of his knuckles caught my eye. As I was about to ask him of his injury, my breath hitched at my throat when the pad of his thumb traced my bottom lip.

"You won't be, because-" leaning in, he whispered in my ear, hot breath tickled my skin, "-you already belong to someone else."


My thoughts were everywhere, I couldn't think straight.

To be able to comprehend his words, I pushed him away, building some distance.

"D-don't come that near me ever again! And what do you mean by I already belong to someone else? Whom are you talking about?"

He stayed quiet. The look in his gaze sent a shiver down my spine. I gulped.

No, no! It's not what I was thinking. I must've misunderstood his eyes. After all assuming wrong probabilities had ruined my entire childhood once. I wouldn't make the same mistake again.

"You will know, soon."

Chapter 10 Always the winner - Part 1 1


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