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The Trap Of Ace novel Chapter 11

Now I understood the meaning of his smirk back there. And here I was thinking that he lost, calling him a loser on his face. God! He must've laughed at me in his head for my lack of knowledge.

I glanced at the VIP section. He was in his previous place, the dark sunglasses were back. People were surrounding him, must be congratulating, but his form was angled to us telling me his gaze's direction.

My eyes were set on his as I pulled Warner closer, hugging his arm. The tightness of his sharp shadowed jaw made my doubt clear. He was indeed looking at me.

But about my sudden act, and his reaction… I shut down my brain before some realization sets in my mind I couldn't handle.

"The race is over now. So why don't we go and eat somewhere? I'm hungry," I said, not wanting to stay there anymore.

Nodding, Caleb stood up and pulled a grumbling Tess along with him. "Em is right, even I'm famished. Let's go honey, let's get you some cold drink so that you can cool down a little."

When we exited through the gate, this time I didn't dare to look back. Though I did feel the burning gaze lingering on me all the way until we were finally out of the sight.


After a whole day of roaming around the city, the day was finally over. Though I did enjoy with Tobias, Caleb and Warner, the awkwardness of my sister's presence always hindered my pleasantry.

Because whenever I see her face, I can't help but remember that night…

I closed my eyes, shutting the door of those memories.

"You okay?" Warner asked. We just stopped outside my house after a long walk. I decided to take a walk instead of Tobis's lift thinking it might help me to clear my mind. But it didn't. The heady scent of his still lingered at the back of my mind, that deep yet husky voice still murmured in my ear.

My free hand balled into a fist.

"I'm fine, just a little tired."

Smiling, he cupped my face. "I can understand, you'd a long day today." Brown orbs shone with adoration and love as they flickered to my lips. "You know, I'm happy that I came here with you. I'd miss this amazing day if I hadn't."

I stopped breathing when his lips met mine. Closing my eyes I waited for something, anything. But I felt nothing. Just a mingling of fleshes, that's all. A burn felt behind my closed eyelids.

Even a kiss from a guy whom I called my boyfriend couldn't spark even a little of the sensation I feel with just his eyes on me.

Something built up in my chest. Frustration, guilt, and an overwhelming emotion I didn't want to give a name to.

As his tongue parted my lips, I pulled away.

Hurt flashed across his eyes.

"I- I'm so sorry, Warner. I'm really tired right now. Can we go inside?"

Even if he was hurt, he covered it with a smile. And I couldn't feel more terrible. "It's alright, Em. I understand. Let's go in and freshen up." With that, he turned around. And I just watched him walking away in silence.


Soft breeze touched my skin as I watched the dark clouds cover the light of the full moon. The stars weren't awake tonight. The bare night offered nothing but the sounds of crickets.

They used to soothe my mind other times, but not tonight. They couldn't tame the storm raging in my chest.

A stab of guilt again hit me as I remembered Warner's face this evening when I rejected him, again. This wasn't the first time I turned him down on being intimate with him. Not only him, in those past years whoever I'd dated, I'd not gone anywhere past the kiss.

Chapter 11 Always the winner - Part 2 1

Chapter 11 Always the winner - Part 2 2


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