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The Unwilling CEO's Love Game novel Chapter 12

Jocelyn lay on her bed, a restless heat coursing through her body, dissipating as Melvin left. His departure marked by an unexpected phone call, a first in their shared moments.

It was the first time he'd bailed on her mid-action because of a ringtone.

Even though she didn’t know who was on the other end, she could tell it was someone big deal.

Before Melvin split, he did drop a line, “Don’t wait up; hit the hay early.”

But Jocelyn couldn’t catch a wink.

She was wondering, was it a guy or a gal who called Melvin? Was he gonna make it back tonight?

It wasn't until half-past three in the morning that she finally dozed off.

Sure enough, Melvin didn't come home all night.

Jocelyn was no fool, Melvin never admitted she was his girlfriend, so she had no right to grill him about his whereabouts.

After three back-to-back morning classes, and no call or text from Melvin over lunch, she got antsy. She hopped onto his Facebook, hesitated for a sec, but still shot him a message. [Are you home today?]

After sending it, she was glued to her phone screen, but no reply. Just about before her afternoon class, her phone buzzed.

She checked it right before stepping into the classroom.

It was just one word.


This had never happened before, and her woman's intuition screamed one possibility at her.

He must be with some chick.

But in the three years they’d been together, she'd never seen him give any woman the time of day. Where did this mystery woman come from?

Then again, maybe it wasn't about whispering sweet nothings to some dame, but rather he was schmoozing a client, talking shop.

Thinking this eased her mind a bit.

After the last class of the day, Preston caught up with her, “Jocelyn.”

At school, Preston was respectful of his teachers, including her.

Jocelyn turned, “Yes?”

Preston looked concerned, “You and Melvin doing alright?”

“Watch your mouth. He’s your uncle,” Jocelyn didn’t catch why he was poking around, “We’re fine. What about it?”

Preston, hearing this, threw out an invitation, “How about I treat you to dinner?”

No evening class today. School was out and everyone was free to head home.

Jocelyn’s brow furrowed, “Why the dinner invite?”

“It’s better than eating alone” he replied. "Will you join me?"

She declined, already having plans for a celebratory dinner.

Preston shrugged it off like it was no biggie, “Alright then, I’ll just order some takeout.”

With that, he headed back to the classroom.

Jocelyn felt a twinge of guilt but inviting him along would raise eyebrows among her colleagues, and how would she explain that?

In the end, she didn't call out to Preston.

Her colleague went all out, taking them to some swanky club that must’ve cost an arm and a leg. Turns out her colleague’s new beau was some rich kid. Loaded for sure, but his family wasn't all that cultured, so they put teachers on a pedestal and treated her like a queen.

The joint was so big, you’d need a guide not to get lost.

Jocelyn and Ursula, her colleague with whom she was pretty tight, walked arm in arm at the back, whispering, “Fancy digs.”

Ursula was scoping the place, “First time at a posh club like this.”

Jocelyn chuckled along.

“Think we might bump into a wealthy bachelor here?” Ursula sounded excited, “Those cars outside screamed money.”

Another teacher from up front stepped back, whispering, “Heard Willow’s here too. Wonder if we’ll run into her and get an autograph or something.”

“What’s the rush? She’ll be at the school in a few days.”

“Not the same, man. If the students see me starstruck like them, there goes my authority.”

Dinner was a parade of exquisite dishes, each seemingly worth half a month's salary.

They opened a bottle of Lafite, a luxury beyond their usual means.

Midway through, Jocelyn excused herself to the restroom.


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