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The Unwilling CEO's Love Game novel Chapter 32

At night, Melvin stood on the balcony, puffing on a cigarette, gazing at the winding rivers, and the image of Jocelyn's panic and evasion the moment she laid eyes on him popped into his mind.

Talk about tough, she never backed down from him.

She'd block him on Facebook and his calls in a heartbeat, and when they met, she'd act like she didn't even know him.

All the love he’d given over the past three years seemed to have gone with the breeze.

Women are just unreasonable creatures.

He'd explained himself, and she was still making a fuss about breaking up.

Totally irrational.

Thinking he’d go sweet-talk her back? As if! Not in a million years.

He had given her a chance already. It was her call to throw it away.

Melvin finished his smoke and turned back to his room.

Lying in bed, sleep just wouldn't come.

Every time he closed his eyes, images of Jocelyn's seductive face and their steamy moments together flooded his mind.

Guys have their weaknesses, often with a hint of eroticism, and he was no exception and was just a regular dude.

Missing a woman, that's just human nature.

Unable to sleep, he dived into the bathroom for a cold shower, thinking it might extinguish the fire inside him, but the more he washed, the hotter he burned.

Ever since he and Jocelyn got together, he hadn't taken matters into his own hands.

It was like scratching an itch, never quite as satisfying as when someone else would do it.

After spending over thirty minutes in the bathroom, Melvin got dressed, grabbed his car keys, and headed out.

At past midnight, he rolled down the car windows and let the wind mess up his hair as he drove.

He eventually stopped at the pier, standing by the river and smoking another two cigarettes, feeling the heat inside him cool down.

At 2 a.m., Melvin drove to Jocelyn's apartment building without really planning to. By the time he snapped out of it, he was already there.

He looked up at her darkened apartment. She must be sleeping like a baby now.

Pfft, what a heartless woman.

Melvin floored the gas pedal, speeding down the open road. He felt just like this city shiny on the outside, but a little lonely under the vast night sky.


As the finals approached, everyone-students, parents, and teachers-was caught up in a tense atmosphere.

Even the slackest students pulled up their socks on the two days of exams.

The entire school was as silent as the grave during the exams, with Jocelyn standing at the podium keeping an eye out, another teacher doing the same at the back of the room.

Once the exams were over, the first thing everyone did was check answers with their buddies.

Jocelyn, clutching test papers, walked out of the classroom just as Preston approached.

"How'd it go?" she asked.

Preston was full of confidence. "I'm already thinking about what favor you'll owe me."

Jocelyn chuckled and nodded, "Wow, you did pretty good, didn’t you?"

The two-day finals were over, and the students had gone home for the holidays.

The teachers were still nervously grading papers.

No one knew whose students did well or not until the results were announced, and Jocelyn and the other teachers were gobsmacked.

Preston, who’d never passed before, had come in third in the grade.

Jocelyn was completely shocked when she saw his score.


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