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The Unwilling CEO's Love Game novel Chapter 33

Jocelyn's ears perked up, her heart in her throat.

It's not that she was nosy about Melvin's private life, but knowing why he was so dead-set against marriage would've been a small comfort.


Right as Preston was about to spill the beans, in walked Melvin, face stormy as a thundercloud.

The diner fell silent as the grave with Melvin's entrance.

A few young gals got all hot and bothered at the sight of him. The guy was too handsome for his own good.

Preston rolled his eyes helplessly and muttered an apologetic "Can't tell ya today" to Jocelyn.

She nodded, getting the picture.

Even if Preston had the guts to spill, she wasn't sure she had the guts to hear it.

"Flight's at six, pack your bags. I'll drop you off at the airport," Melvin commanded, not giving Preston room to argue.

Preston was speechless, mouth agape, ending up with a forced laugh.

A laugh tinged with frustration.

He puffed his cheeks, nodding at Melvin. "Good for you!"

Melvin shot him a frosty look. "Want me to change your flight to three o'clock?"

If Preston didn't have respect for him as an uncle, he'd have thrown his unfinished drink right in Melvin's face.

"I'm out," Preston said, bidding Jocelyn a reluctant goodbye. "See you."

Jocelyn didn’t want to meddle in their family drama, so she just nodded and said, "Make sure to have fun on your break, but sneak in a bit of reading too."

"Got it," Preston replied, clearly down in the dumps.

Melvin shooed Preston into the car with a look and didn't drive off right away, waiting for Jocelyn instead.

There she stood, not moving an inch.

Their eyes met, and finally, Melvin took a few steps towards her.

Every step he took stirred up her heart.

After all, this was the man she still loved, and her feelings were not yet severed.

Her heartbeat raced, her breaths uneven, until he stood right before her.

"Now that we've broken up, stop snooping around my business," Melvin finally uttered the cold words.

That's when Jocelyn's heart settled down for good.

She clenched her fists, feigning indifference. "You flattered yourself. Your affairs mean nothing to me now."

Determined not to crumble in front of him, Jocelyn scoffed coldly and quickly turned to walk away.

The moment she turned, her eyes welled up.


Jocelyn and Ursula went off on a trip.

She felt the need to clear her head, to shake off the emotional clutter.

"Hey, don't you have a boyfriend? Why not go on a trip with him?" Ursula, having settled into her seat on the plane, launched into gossip mode.

"We broke up," Jocelyn revealed.

Ursula glanced at her neck, "Still wearing the necklace, huh?"

Jocelyn touched the necklace. Having seen it in her drawer that morning, she hadn't planned to wear it, but it felt like some force compelled her to put it on.

She figured, since barely anyone knew the necklace's backstory, wearing it on the trip wouldn't hurt.

As long as Willow and Melvin didn’t see it, it was all good.

"It means I'm totally over it," she said, though her voice betrayed her insecurity.


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