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The Unwilling CEO's Love Game novel Chapter 96

After returning to the hotel room, Jocelyn's mind was a whirlwind of thoughts.

Harrison's sudden confession had caught her off guard.

She had to admit, Harrison was a catch by any standard - charming, from a good family, and his parents were welcoming. He was the picture-perfect partner. But something was missing - the spark.

She did not feel that intense connection with Harrison.

There was a fondness at best, but it fell short of love.

After a shower, she flopped onto the bed, and her phone buzzed.

It was a message from Harrison on Facebook.

A photo popped up: a night sky sprinkled with stars.

Jocelyn sat up and replied. [It's beautiful.]

Harrison was typing again and soon responded. [It's been ages since I've stargazed. Tonight, I looked up, and there they were.]

Jocelyn took it as a casual musing.

He sent another message: [Maybe it's because of you that my night sky is so beautiful.]

Jocelyn froze, staring at the screen.

Harrison's tenderness and romance were something Melvin never offered. Melvin only craved her physically; he never shared pictures of the stars or spoke such poetic words.

In comparison, her connection with Melvin seemed purely physical, without emotional resonance.

Yet, she fell for his "uncultured" ways.

Jocelyn did not know how to respond to Harrison's messages.

Lying in bed, she thought of her past with Melvin, the good and the bad. But none of that mattered now; he was back with Willow, and they might even get married.

It was not that he did not want to marry; he just did not want her.

Then, Jocelyn thought of Harrison.

In just a few months, be it him or his family, they had made her feel valued, allowing her to stand tall and proud.

Truth be told, he was a great guy, worthy of her time.

To move on from an old romance, one needed a new one to fill the void.

She felt she needed it.

Jocelyn did not reply to Harrison. Instead, she browsed the jewelry brand's official fan page. Looking at the comments below, her resolve strengthened.


The next day.

Harrison called her, waiting outside the hotel.

Jocelyn got dressed and headed downstairs.

He stood by his car, casually dressed in a white crew-neck sweater and black jeans. His attire was as clean-cut as his vibe.

"Morning," Jocelyn greeted first.

Harrison smiled at her. "Did you sleep well last night?"

She nodded. "And you?"

"Not so much." His gaze was filled with her.

Jocelyn avoided his eyes, knowing what he implied.

"Let's go grab some breakfast."

After driving for a while, Harrison parked by a cozy alley bustling with life, a slice of the everyday.

He led her to a diner, where the owner greeted him with a beaming smile, "Harrison! What brings you here today? Is this your girlfriend?"

Harrison chuckled. "She’s a friend."

"First time I've seen you with a lady. Thought you were off the market," The owner joked.

"I wish I were, but no such luck yet," Harrison hinted.

The owner, quick-witted, turned to Jocelyn. "Miss, Harrison's a good man. If you like him, better hold on tight."

Embarrassed, Jocelyn looked to Harrison.


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