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The Unwilling CEO's Love Game novel Chapter 97

On the drive back with Harrison, the car stereo played the latest hit, "Possibility."

The lyrics were: [All the possibilities, the hopes that never came to pass. They were thoughts, and they were regrets.]

Jocelyn confessed, "I can't lie to you. He still has a place in my heart."

Harrison was not surprised. He even understood. "Yeah, I know."

"You're okay with that?"

"It would be a lie to say I don't mind. But what I mind more is you rejecting me because of him. I hope you can give me a chance and yourself one, too." Harrison was calm and sincere.

His words were solid, honest.

Jocelyn clenched her fists tighter. "If you really don't mind, then we can give it a shot."

A wave of elation surged through Harrison, and he immediately pulled the car over. "Are you serious?"

Jocelyn was still uncertain, but the words were out, and seeing Harrison's joyous reaction, she nodded vigorously. "Yeah."

Harrison's smile brightened, his lips pressed in an effort to contain it, and his eyes crinkled with glee.

He resumed driving, and the music shifted to "Little Sweet."

Jocelyn never expected Harrison to listen to such sugary tunes, especially at this moment.

His mood was infectious, painting her own in shades of pink.

They dined at Bliss Restaurant, where Harrison had initially planned to hold Jocelyn's hand to please his parents but feared pressuring her and refrained.

Harrison's parents sensed a shift in their son's demeanor during the meal, a different aura between the two.

However, being wise, they kept their notions to themselves, asking no questions.

After dinner, Harrison drove Jocelyn back to her hotel.

As the car stopped, she stepped out.

Harrison followed.

Standing at the hotel entrance, he asked, "So, you're my girlfriend now, right?"

Jocelyn paused, then nodded softly.

"Can I... hug you?" Harrison was tentative.

Jocelyn's heartbeat quickened, and she did not immediately respond.

The next second, the light in Harrison's eyes dimmed with disappointment.

"Sure," Jocelyn finally murmured.

Harrison, as if jolted awake, approached her with restrained excitement and enveloped her in a gentle embrace.

This was their second hug.

The first was between friends.

This time, he held her as her boyfriend.

Jocelyn allowed the embrace, guilt lurking for fearing she might let down his genuine affection.

"Sleep soon," Harrison murmured, letting her go sooner than he wished, keeping it just a hug, nothing more.

Jocelyn always found Harrison gentlemanly and completely respectful in his conduct.

"Yeah, you too," She replied, their new relationship still awkward for her.

Harrison nodded, "You go on up. I won't walk you to your room."

"Alright." Jocelyn did not play coy, entering the lobby and glancing back to see Harrison smiling at the door.

She returned the smile tenderly before turning away.

Once inside the elevator, she messaged him on Facebook. [Get home soon.]

[Already in the car.] Harrison replied promptly.

[Drive safe.]


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