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The Virgin Stripper And The Playboy novel Chapter 6

Damon's Pov:

I landed a dirty slap on his cheek as his hands and legs were chained.

He groaned in pain.....

"I said tell me the fvcking truth,,,, what were you doing with Meria?" I asked as I punched his tummy.

"I don't know what exactly you are talking about Sir..... Meria and I have absolutely nothing to do with each other" He cried in pains.

"Shut up and don't you dare lie to me? I saw her hug you and I also saw her hop into your car" I said with my eyes filled with hatred.

I boiled with anger.......

"Sir I really have nothing to do with her.... I can swear with my life" He pleaded for mercy.

"How did you get to know her?" I asked anxiously as he groaned in pain.

"We just happened to work in the same place.... I work as a driver for Miss O" He said as I gulped hard.

"Could it be that I was actually mistaken after?" I thought inwardly but I didn't show it though.

"Keep quiet.... What if you are just lying" I said refusing to believe him.

"You can ask her if you want" He begged.

I only gulped and walked away from him.

Ugh, what the heck is wrong with me. How could I kidnap a fully grown man without thinking, to worsen it all... I was wrong about him being Meria's boyfriend.

Meria's Pov:

I woke up really early in the morning.

I needed to go for job hunting this morning.

I can't afford to be a liability when I can actually do some work.

I yawned tiredly as I walked into the bathroom with my towel tied around my chest.

I took a quick shower and brushed my teeth too.

I was wearing my dress when Suzy walked in.

She stared at me surprisingly.

"Meria,,,,,, where the fvck are you going to? It's too dark for you to leave the house by this time" She said

I forced a smile at her.

"I need to go for job hunting today" I said as I applied some powder on my face.

Suzy burst into laughter as I became surprised.

"What's funny Suzy?" I asked as she shook her head.

"This early?? This is just 5:55am" Suzy half yelled as I smiled a little at her.

"I know... I just want to be early besides I am not leaving immediately" I said as she shook her head.

"I don't know Meria but you know what I think?" Suzy asked anxiously.

"What?" I asked

"Damon is so heartless..... He just made you loose your job because you refused to have s*x with him" She said as I shook my head.

"You know Suzy... I don't know what's going to be of tomorrow but I just hope we will all be fine" I said as Suzy and I hugged each other tightly


I walked under the scorching hot sun trying to find a job.

It has really been a tough day for me.

My head was aching badly already as I yawned hungrily..

Sadly,,,,,,, I am yet to get any job and I wondered why.

I yawned hungrily again as my stomach grumbled noisily.

That was when I remembered that I haven't had breakfast.

And now I also haven't had lunch, it's already 1pm and I am starving.

I walked into the nearby restaurant for lunch.

I can't believe I am going through all of this because of that selfish guy.

I wonder why he's so determined to have me???

Does he even know I'm still a virgin?

I shook my head and shrugged it off.

All I want right now is to get a job to be able to fend my sister that is what is important.

Just then,,,, my cell phone rang aloud noisily.

It was Miss O.

I picked it up.

"Hello.... Good day Miss O" I said with my weak voice as I munched on the potato salad in front of me.

"Good day Meria.... How are you doing?" She asked concerned.

I forced a smile at no-one in particular.

"I Am very well Miss O!! Thank you" I said softly

Damon's Pov:

I refilled my glass with more brandy and gulped it down sharply.

"Phew.... Thank goodness it wasn't what I was thinking" I said as I smiled broadly.

"I told you didn't I? You are always suspecting things that doesn't exist. And now you have a an injured innocent man to prove that." Kelly fired

"I just wanted to be sure, okay. Don't get all fired up." I said rolling my eyes.





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