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The Virgin Stripper And The Playboy novel Chapter 9

Suzy's Pov:

My eyes widened in shock as Meria spoke out loudly to him.

"Meria are you sure you know what you're saying?" I asked anxiously as I nudged her softly.

"Yes Suzy... I won't let Mia go there alone,,,,,, I rather go there instead of Mia" Meria said as tears rolled down my Mia's eyes.

"I have no time to waste here" Damon said with a deadly grin.

Meria walked back into the house and came out with her already packed luggage.

She walked straight to Damon's car.

Hot tears pricked my eyes and rolled down gradually from my cheeks.

"Meria please don't go" I pleaded as tears continued rushing down my cheeks.

She too was crying uncontrollably.

"I will be back in the next two months.... You don't have to cry OK" She said as she hopped into the car.

Damon grinned wickedly at us and hopped into the car too and zoomed off.

Mia and I continued waving at Meria until the car went out of sight.

That was when Mia quickly hugged me tightly.

I tried controlling myself but I couldn't.

"I'm sorry aunt Suzy.... I never really wanted this to happen" Mia said as tears streamed down her cheeks.

"It's not your fault Mia! You don't have to keep blaming yourself OK? Your sister will be alright" I said trying to console her.

"I don't want him to take her away" She cried

"I don't want that too but we can't afford to pay such huge sum of money" I said

"Aunt Suzy please help me so that we can repay that mean man and let my sister come back to us" Mia cried

I breathed heavily.

"Of course Mia we will work really hard to make sure your sister is back to this house" I said as she hugged me tightly.

We walked into the house in silence.

But we never stopped crying.

Especially Mia,,,,, she couldn't stop crying.

She refused to eat.

All she did was sulk and look at the food in front of her.

The house became very quiet and I couldn't help but cry as well.

I really hope my friend will cope there.

I hope she doesn't get treated badly by that monster Damon.

I knows how much he's lusting for her body.

"Please do eat your food baby" I said as Mia shook her head in disagreement.

"I'm not hungry" She said as I patted her hair softly.

Nadia's Pov:

I opened the nylon I was carrying as I brought out some clothes smiling broadly.

Georgia walked in looking at me surprisingly.

"What's that?" Georgia asked anxiously

"That's the same outfit your so called perfect Meria always wears for stripping" I said with a chuckle.

Georgia arched her eyebrows in confusion.

"Wait! You mean you bought the same attire Meria wears while stripping?" Georgia asked anxiously

"Yes... You said she's perfect and she's loved by all so for that reason,,,, I want to dress exactly the way she does and behave just like her too" I said smiling.

"Are you sure you're really OK Nadia? " Georgia asked as I looked at myself.

"What do you mean by that?" I asked with a frown.

"Yes you heard me... I mean what the hell are you doing? What made you think dressing and imitating Meria makes you to become famous and loved by all?" Georgia asked as I sighed loudly and rolled my eyes.

"You're just being insensitive Georgia... Don't worry I will make sure I prove you wrong once I get famous" I said as she kept starring at me.

I continued wrapping my new attire into a bag and Georgia shook her head in disbelief.

I walked out of the room with the bag of clothes.

Once I get famous,,, I will put some people in their places.

What's so special about Meria that I can't have?

I know I am very beautiful as well....

Even more beautiful than Meria!

So people will soon fall in love with me and Miss O will love me as well.

I will become the star of the show......

I really can't wait.

I took a good look at myself on the dressing mirror and smiled excitedly.

With an air of authority,,,, I catwalked proudly.

"I must be famous no matter what" I chuckled happily.

And as for Georgia,,, I will make sure I prove her wrong.

I don't just get that crazy friend of mine.

Miss O's Pov:

I paced around the office impatiently.

"So what do you plan on doing friend?" Monica my friend asked me anxiously.

"What else? I have to bring Meria back to the club house" I said as I tapped my feet on the ground.

"What? Do you want your bar to be locked down?" Monica gasped

"I don't care anymore..... My bar is gradually fading away,,,, my customers are all gone" I said

"This is really unbelievable so all your customer LA were here because of her?" Monica asked anxiously

"Obviously... I can't afford to loose Meria" I said as I sat heavily on the rotating chair.

"You are right friend.... I think you should go bring her back else your club house might end up folding down" Monica said as I nodded my head in agreement.

Meria's Pov:

Throughout the drive,,, I kept mute....




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