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The Virgin Stripper And The Playboy novel Chapter 7

Meria's Pov:

I was busy doing the laundry, with the dirty clothes heaped on the ground.

I added some detergent and soaked some of the clothes.

Just then,,,,, my little sister Mia ran into the house crying bitterly.

And shivering in fear.

"Mia? Mia?? Are you OK baby?" I asked anxiously as I bent to her height.

Tears couldn't stop running down her cheeks.

I was disturbed!

What could possibly be wrong with her?

She sniffed hard.

"What happened Mia? Talk to me....." I said as she wiped off her tears with her fist but more tears continued rushing down her cheeks.

"I am sorry sister...." She managed to say as she hugged me tightly.

I reciprocated the hug still confused.

"Why are you saying sorry Mia? You're scaring me.... What actually happened to you?" I asked worriedly

"I never wanted this sister.... It was my friend Eva's fault,,,,, she threw stone on me then I threw another stone on her back but...." She burst into tears.

I gulped nervously.

"But what?" I asked anxiously

"But the stone landed on a car and broke the car glasses" She said as I gasped.

"What? You broke someone's car?" I asked in shock.

She nodded still in tears.

I furrowed my eyebrows as I scratched my head.

"Did you meet the car owner?" I asked anxiously as she shook her head in disagreement.

"No..... I ran off immediately" She said as I flinched in fear.

"Why did you do that? You should have apologized to the car owner first" I said as I blinked hard to stop myself from crying.

"I am sorry sister.... I was just so scared" She shivered.

"It's okay Mia." I said as I hugged her tightly.

She couldn't stop crying.


I paced around the room impatiently as Suzy sat on the stool with a plate of cereal.

"Will you please stop worrying yourself already?" Suzy blurted out as I sat heavily on the couch.

"I can't... How do you expect me to stop worrying?? What if the car owner comes here and asks us to pay for the damages" I let out worriedly.

"Come on! How will the person even find us?? The owner didn't even get to see Mia besides this is three days since that happened" Suzy said trying her possible best to calm me down.

"Suzy you know how broke I am for now right? I can't afford to pay for what she damaged and you know it" I said as I bowed my head.

"And who said they are going to find her? I bet the car owner have already forgotten about what happened and fixed the car already?" Suzy said

I rubbed my eyes as I coughed slightly.

"I just hope so.... Cos I can't really pay for anything and the thought of it, is already killing me and eating me up" I said as I picked up the glass of juice on the table.

I gulped it down still worried but pretending to be fine.

I hope the car owner doesn't come back to look for Mia.

I don't know what exactly I will do if the person asks us to repair the car which I know we can't at the moment.

Miss O's Pov:

I stared around the bar and watched the customers walk out of the bar one after the other.

The chairs became empty as Nadia danced in front of the stage.

I can't believe my bar is this empty.......

I hardly have customers....

I don't sell the way I used to.

My bar is always empty and there are no customers.

Since the day Meria left the bar,,,,,,, my bar is gradually fading away.

I quickly jerked up from the couch when I saw one of my biggest customer get up to walk away.

I quickly rushed to him.

"Mr Davis? Mr Davis??" I called him and he quickly turned around.

"Oh hello Miss O" He said with a frown.

"You left your drink untouched besides the dancers are still entertaining" I said

He shook his head.

"If I may ask,,,, where is Meria?" He asked anxiously.

"Uhmm... You mean Meria? Uhh... She... She left the bar" I lied

"Why? You know the truth is,,,,, since Meria left the bar,,,, everything about this bar became terrible boring.... I will never come to this bar again if Meria doesn't come back to this bar ever again" He said as he walked away.

I watched the other customers troop out of the bar.

Before the twinkle of an eye,,,,, the bar became empty.

"Useless set of dancers".... I muttered under my breath.


I tapped my feet on the ground in annoyance.





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