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The Windfalls of Love novel Chapter 336


Harrison's eyes were like blazing flames as he gazed at her, yet beneath that intensity lay his deep and tender love for her.

"I'm telling you all this not to make you realize how helpless I felt about my past choices."

"I want you to understand why we can't remarry, and why we can't walk back into the chapel and exchange vows again."

It wasn't because he didn't love her, but because he loved her too much.

"I don't want to see you get hurt again."

Roxanne nodded, "Harrison, I get it."

She truly did.

Putting herself in Harrison's shoes, she figured she might have made the same decision.

No matter what you choose, it's wrong.

That choice question got no right answer.

"Harrison, if we can't remarry, then so be it." She smiled crisply.

From now on, she would cherish every day with him.

"Won't you blame me?" Harrison feared that his inability to remarry would cause her sorrow and break her heart.

Now, he couldn't bear to see her shed a single tear.

Roxanne smiled, and her response was both straightforward and decisive.

"Do I blame you? Of course, I do. I blame you for not being an ordinary person who can live the most common, grounded, messy yet loving life with me. But more than blaming you, I hope to wake up and fall asleep with you by my side every day. Instead of holding grudges, wouldn’t it be better for us to finish this bowl of spaghetti together and savor the simple pleasures of life?"


The simple pleasures soothe the soul the most.

Even though he was the high and mighty, the one who could turn the skies and the tides with a flick of his wrist, the tycoon of Seraphim Haven, he still craved the ordinary joys of life.

Roxanne's few words almost brought tears to this grown man's eyes.

It was touching.

His heart, numbed by power, convention, and the pursuit of wealth, suddenly felt alive again.

He was like a flower soaking up water, bursting into life and blooming.

No matter how high his status, only with Roxanne did he feel truly alive, truly happy.

Otherwise, he was just a machine controlled by his business.

"You're right, let's enjoy our spaghetti."

What could be happier than sharing a bowl of spaghetti with her?

"You're one to talk." Roxanne twirled her fork in the spaghetti, giving him a playful glare, "It's all clumped together."

"Should I cook you another bowl?"

"It's alright, the spaghetti soaked in fried egg sauce is the best."

Roxanne dug in to slurp the spaghetti with gusto.

This was the Roxanne he had first met.

She hadn't changed.

But because of her, he had rediscovered himself.

Once they finished eating, Roxanne looked up and asked, "By the way, Harrison, you never told me about the facial recognition thing you had Mr. Johnson and your CFO work on for me. What's that about?"

Harrison gracefully wiped his mouth and stood up to retrieve a document from his briefcase.

"Roxanne, I need you to sign here," he said as he handed her a pen.

Without reading the content, she signed her name.

Chapter 336 1

Chapter 336 2


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