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The Windfalls of Love novel Chapter 339

"Look, Nora, don't you go thinking you're better than me."

"You're just as filthy and low as any piece of trash."

"You got no right to look down on me."

When outsiders brought up that scandal, Nora could still plaster on a calm demeanor, ignoring the venomous slander and assaults on her character.

But the person behind her was her own sister, who had looked out for her when they were kids, who always let Nora have her way with a kindness that seemed to know no bounds.

How could she speak to Nora like this?

Had all those years of gentleness and kindness been nothing but a mask?

Nora no longer recognized the person behind her.

She was shaking with anger.

Her trembling body wouldn't still.

Hazel, casually smoking a cigarette, noticed Nora gripping the arms of her wheelchair, with her hands quivering, and let out another disdainful snort.

"Can't handle this, huh? Think you've got what it takes to run the Dawson fortune? And what's more, you're nothing but a wheelchair-bound piece of trash. I can't fathom why Hamlin handed the reins over to you."

Nora's grip on her wheelchair tightened, and she gave her bodyguard a look, "She doesn't want to get dressed? Help her."

The so-called "help" wasn't exactly polite.

Two women, efficient and rough, forcibly pulled clothes over Hazel's head.

Then they lifted Hazel off the bed to stand before Nora.

Nora, reining in her emotions, looked up coolly, "The guy you were just fooling around with, did you pick him up at the casino?"

"What's it to you?" Hazel, held up by the arms, was still defiant.

"I can't believe Alexander ever fell for a shameless woman like you," Nora spat out furiously.

She shouldn't let Hazel's words rattle her.

As to those videos that circulated among the elite – she was coerced, and she was a victim.

It wasn't her choice to be involved in those sordid affairs.

But Hazel, she was the one seeking out lowlifes.

Nora and Hazel were nothing alike.

She had no reason to feel low.

Holding her head high, Nora exuded regal composure.

Some people might be tarnished on the outside but remain clean at heart.

Others, no matter how polished their exterior was, are rotten to the core.

Nora belonged to the former.

She had no reason to feel inferior to Hazel.

Not able to have awareness of her own filth, Hazel scoffed, "Nora, do you think you're worthy of Alexander? Even if you offered yourself to him, he wouldn't touch a dirty woman like you."

"How dare you say such things to your own sister and your ex who once adored you so much?"

She almost forgot that the woman before her had no shame.

Why bother with words?

"Nora, I'll be blunt."

"First, Dad will never hand the inheritance to you, so quit your scheming. You're not causing any waves."

"Second, you better move out today. Don't bother Mom and Dad."

"Do these two things, and I'll give you a stipend each month, which would be enough for you to live on."

"But if you can't, those indecent photos of you will find their way online."

To deal with the shameless, you must be ruthless.

There's no reasoning with her.

Chapter 339 1


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