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The Windfalls of Love novel Chapter 338

For years, Nora had been hidden away from the world to lick her wounds in solitude .

Harrison owed her a debt he couldn't repay.

A call from Alexander added to his guilt and concern.

"Have you seen Nora? How is she?"

Roxanne and Vincent immediately tuned in to the conversation; their eyes were fixed on him without blinking.

Whatever the person on the other end said prompted a noncommittal grunt from Harrison.

After hanging up, he turned to Roxanne. "Alexander said there's news about Nora. I need to step out for a bit."

"Okay." Roxanne nodded, feeling her heart heavy with guilt.

If it weren't for her, Harrison would have never put Nora in harm's way.

Although Roxanne hadn't orchestrated the events that unfolded, she couldn't shake off the deep-seated guilt she felt towards Nora.

"Should I come with you?" Roxanne offered, longing to see Nora herself.

After a moment's thought, Harrison declined, "Better not. It's not the right time."

Someone else would be more suited to go than him.

"When Nora's ready to see us, we'll go together," he decided against the visit. Nora was intentionally avoiding them, so an early morning intrusion wouldn't be welcome.

"You're right." Roxanne agreed, understanding Nora's need for distance.

Harrison moved to the window and made another call.

On the other end was Samuel, who was driving toward the Dawson family estate. He had heard about Nora's appearance there before Alexander did.

Samuel's phone flashed 'Devil Harrison'—an old nickname that had never been changed.

Once, Samuel had enjoyed joking around with Harrison, but their relationship had since grown cold. Now, it was begrudging for Samuel to take Harrison's calls.

"I'm not interested in anything but work," Samuel snapped when he answered, still harboring resentment toward Harrison for ruining Nora's life.

"I just wanted to let you know—Nora's back at the Dawson's," Harrison said.

"I don't need your reminder." With that, Samuel ended the call abruptly.

Harrison pocketed his phone; a deep sadness colored his features as he stared out the window. Before he noticed it, the dawn had broken, bathing the world in a hopeful glow. Yet, the rift between him and his brother Samuel seemed unbridgeable.

Chapter 338 1

Chapter 338 2

Chapter 338 3


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