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Three Fated Hearts by LNC novel Chapter 21


I have to say, I never thought of the twins as being domesticated, yet here they are, cooking me a meal. I could truly get used to this. There is something about watching men cooking or cleaning that is a real turn-on. I love watching their muscles as they move and how they glide through the kitchen.

I hear a small gasp behind me, but I hesitate to turn around. This pack has not been overly friendly to me in my lifetime, and I really don’t want to see what’s behind me. The twin’s backs are facing me, but before they can turn around, a body wraps around Lincoln. “Hi babe! I missed you so much!” Aida turns to look at me while stroking Lincoln’s front up and down. Andricia starts to growl in my head, and I can feel the anger start to build up. I try to keep my face emotion free because I won’t give them the satisfaction.

Lincoln grabs Aida’s arms and pushes them down as he turns toward me. The look on his face says he’s uncomfortable, but he hasn’t actually pushed her away. Adela walks up to Landon, but he sidesteps her before she can grab him. “Hello, Portia. So glad you could visit. I wish we had known you would be coming so we could welcome you as proper Lunas.” I scoff in my head, and Andricia is begging for blood. I say nothing and keep all emotion off of my face.

“Yes, you should have let it be known that you were coming back. Will you be staying with your parents?” Luna Kimberly had walked into the kitchen and is standing next to the refrigerator. Landon looks at his mother, anger in his eyes.

“She will be staying with her mates.” Anger flashes across the Luna’s face with those words. Lincoln is still struggling to get away from Aida, and Adela is staring daggers at me.

“Clearly, we have things to discuss. Why don’t you two and the twins come to my office so we can talk.” I stand up abruptly from my seat with so much force that the stool falls behind me and clatters on the floor. Everyone turns to look at me.

“No, let me give you all time to talk,” I saw through clenched teeth. I’m seething, but refuse to let them see what they do to me. I head out of the kitchen, ignoring my mates calling my name. I turn to go upstairs. Maybe I should pack a bag and stay elsewhere, though I’m not sure where that would be.


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