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Three Fated Hearts by LNC novel Chapter 22


I would like nothing more than to run after Tia. I could feel the anger rolling off of her even though she didn’t say anything. I can’t believe they would do this, but then again, I’m not that surprised.

Aida is still tugging on Lincoln, trying to get him to let her in. He keeps looking at me for help, but I’m trying to deal with Adela. Mom is going on and on, and it’s all starting to be way too much. “Baby, please. I know you love me just as much as I love you. Let’s go talk, just you and me.”

L, I’m trying to keep calm, but she’s pissing me off. I shake my head. I don’t know how I can help him. I’ve been telling him to stop placating her, but he never really listened. He always said that he couldn’t help himself.

“Are you listening to me? You two need to stop this foolishness. You need to do what’s best for the pack and that isn’t Portia.” Goddess, does she ever stop? I have always known that there were a few sides to my mother, but she usually only shows certain ones at certain times. I have never seen her be so conniving and hateful as she has been since we found that Tia was our mate.

I can feel Goliath getting angrier and angrier in my head. I’m trying to hold on to my control and keep him inside. He wants to bust out and go after the twins as well as my mom. I can’t let that happen; that would kill my dad.

The sounds of the voices in the room are starting to hurt my head and make me dizzy. I wish I could just shut them all up, but if I start to yell, it would just add to the noise. “ENOUGH!” The room quiets, and I look up to see my dad in the doorway. All eyes are on him, and I’m extremely grateful that he came when he did. That Alpha voice does wonders when you are dealing with chaos.

“This is ridiculous! To have such drama in the kitchen of the packhouse. Anyone and everyone can see the mess that is going on right now.” My dad walks further into the kitchen. The twins are struggling to stay on their feet with him in the room. He hasn’t fully pushed his aura out, but he has enough in the room to make them feel the pressure. This is one of the many times I’m glad to be of Alpha blood, so things like this don’t affect me. “Kimberly….upstairs now!”

My mom doesn’t submit to my dad’s authority since she is his mate, but his tone and the power in it does make her flinch. She doesn’t argue but turns toward the doorway and makes her way out of the kitchen. My dad looks at the rest of us and follows after my mom. I turn to Adela and watch her stretch. There is sweat on her brow from when dad had her under his aura. “You two need to leave.”

“Why? So you can go running to that b***h?!” I let a deep growl rip through the room, making the walls shake.

“I said leave, NOW!” Adela gives a slight growl and stalks out of the packhouse through the back door. Aida turns to Lincoln with tears running down her face.

“Please, please talk to me. What harm can that do?” Lincoln sighs and runs his hand down his face. He looks at me, and I shrug my shoulders. I think it would be a bad idea, but Lincoln is going to do whatever anyway.


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