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Three Fated Hearts by LNC novel Chapter 37


What the entire f**k?! How the hell did Jenna walk into this room right at this moment? There is no way this could be a coincidence. Tia pushes me off of her, and I fall on my back, scrambling to pull the blankets over me. Tia sits up on the bed and stares right at Jenna. “Can I help you?”

“Uh, no. I guess I got a bit turned around.” Jenna has a smirk on her face, yet there seems to be a bit of anger in her eyes. She hasn’t moved from the doorway or tried to close the door.

“I’m sure,” Tia responds with sarcasm dripping over each word. “You really need to get the f**k out of here. NOW!” Jenna huffs and looks at me. I close my eyes and try to will her away. I hear a sigh and the door slam shut.

The movement of the bed makes me open my eyes. Tia is scrambling to grab her clothes and put them on. I was so close to losing my v*******y with my Goddess-given mate, and Jenna ruins it. I sigh and watch Tia pull her clothes on. “Baby?” Tia doesn’t respond. “Love?” Still nothing. I push the blanket back and throw my legs over the side of the bed. I walk toward Tia and turn her to face me. “I’m so sorry that happened. She shouldn’t have done that.” Tia looks down but doesn’t respond. I wrap her up in my arms and kiss the top of her head a few times.

“I WILL NOT be made a fool of or treated like s**t in my own home.” Tia pushes away from me. “Either you get her under control or I will.” Tia pulls herself from my grasp and storms out of the room, slamming the door on her way out. I sigh and run my hands down my face. I can’t believe this is happening right now. It isn’t like we didn’t already have a mess to deal with; now there’s Jenna.

I find my clothes and put them on. I guess I should try to do some work since my private time with my mate has been interrupted. I walk out of the room and start to go down the hall. “You’ll thank me later.” I turn to my right and see Jenna standing in a doorway with her arms crossed over her chest. She is looking at me with a smug look.

“Excuse me?” Jenna pushes herself out of the doorway and starts to walk toward me.


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