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Three Fated Hearts by LNC novel Chapter 38


I wonder how long it will take before one or both of my sons go for Jenna. I hated to resort to such actions, but I really had no other choice. If I continue to wait for the Colby twins to take care of things, I may be waiting forever. There are too many people against the Colby twins, and I have to have a sure thing.

A knock on my door interrupts my thoughts. “Enter.” The door opens, and Stuart walks into the room. I guess I should have expected this visit. The minute I spoke with Adela, it was inevitable for Stuart to come to me about all of this.

“We need to talk.” I nod slightly, and Stuart sits across from me at my desk. Neither of us says anything at first; we just sit and start at each other. I clear my throat in an effort to get things going, but Stuart still doesn’t speak.

“What can I do for you Stuart?”

“You can cut the s**t.” Well, this is a slightly different side of Stuart. We have known each other forever, and I have never been the recipient of his harshness. Never until now, that is. “What exactly do you think you’re doing?”

“I don’t know what you mean.” Stuart rolls his eyes and leans back in his chair.

“You know exactly what I mean. I spoke to Adela.” Of course, he did. Those girls don’t do much without putting their daddy in the mix. I keep my facial expression as neutral as possible. “She told me all about Jenna.” I shrug a shoulder. I’m not sure the direction this is meant to go in, but I won’t help it along. “Do you have anything to say?”

“Say about what exactly?” I shift in my seat and cross my legs. “I’m not sure why you’re here. What exactly is the issue?”

“F**k me, Kim! DO NOT do that s**t; you know I hate it. Just be straight with me. Why would you have Jenna come here? We already discussed my girls with your boys and that was still the plan even after Portia’s interference. What changed?” I sigh.


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