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Three Fated Hearts by LNC novel Chapter 43


Yeah, I had a breakdown. I couldn’t help the emotions that have been building up inside of me. I tore the office up, wasn’t the first time and won’t be the last. Lincoln, as always, was able to help me through.

We helped a few Omegas get things cleaned up after our run-ins with Jenna. Now we are waiting for Mark to show up so we can have a meeting. We will be officially taking over in no time, and we need to get some things straight between us. We also need to figure out what we will do about a Gamma, but I kind of have an idea about that.

Lincoln and I are sitting in the office with the door open for Mark. Neither of us has said anything for a while, but I’m sure that we are thinking the same thing; what are we going to do about Jenna? We need to figure out how we will survive her visit without causing our mate any more pain.

Mark slowly walks into the room, looking a bit confused, and his scent is mixed with Tia’s. I should have known that Tia would end up with her best friends after what happened. I have to say that I’d rather her end up there than with Neal or anyone else. “Hey……..do you guys smell that?” Lincoln and I look at each other before looking at Mark. The only thing I smell is my mate on Mark.

“Smell what, exactly? The only thing we smell besides you is our mate.” Mark looks at us with a sheepish look and scratches the back of his head. He takes a few deep breaths before sitting down across from us.

“Yeah, she was at the house when I left. Seems like things have been……interesting lately.” Mark leans back in his chair and places an ankle on his knee. “It smells like apples and cinnamon out in the hallway. Is there going to be something special for dessert today?” I look at Lincoln and shake my head.

“I don’t know of anything special being made today. Maybe they are cooking something up in the kitchen. We need to figure a few things out before we officially take over. I know that will be coming up really soon; dad doesn’t want to wait too long.”

We start to discuss pack matters and the things that we want to change. I want this pack to be inviting and inclusive. My dad is a great Alpha, so I want to continue what he has been doing while putting our own spin on it. A knock on the door interrupts our meeting. “Hello, Alpha Paul.”

“Ah Mark…..boys……how’s everything going around here?” Neither Lincoln nor I respond. We aren’t sure how much dad knows about the issues with Jenna.


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