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Three Fated Hearts by LNC novel Chapter 44



Stop, Cato! You have to stop.

I want mate. Go to mate. I throw a wall up to block my wolf. He is going to give me a splitting headache, and I have to think. I have to figure out what to do because this is crazy.

So the apples and cinnamon sent that I detected earlier belongs to my mate, and my mate is Jenna. Oh, my f**king Goddess! What type of horrible turn of events is this? This woman doesn’t want me. She is out to replace my best friend. How can she be mated to me? Why would the Moon Goddess think it’s a good idea for her and me to be together? I know I don’t know her personally, but just looking at her actions tells me more than I need to know.

“MARK?!” I whip my head toward Lincoln, who is in shaking a hand in my face. Landon is looking at me with concern and sympathy. “Are you okay, man? What’s going on with you?”

“Isn’t it obvious, Linc? Mark has found his mate.”

“Yeah he said that. So what?” Landon runs his hand down his face in exasperation.

“There was only one person in this room with us, doofus.” I watch Lincoln’s face and see when the realization hits him.

“Oh s**t! Oh man.” Lincoln sits in the chair next to me. “F**k man, I’m sorry.” S**T! Even Lincoln feels sorry for me. This is horrible. Is she really that terrible? I mean, putting aside the problems she’s causing here, is she really such a horrible person?

“Let’s just take a minute and breathe.” Landon for the save because I have no words at this point. I have no idea what to say or what to think.

The silence stretches for a while; everyone is lost in their thoughts. I would love to discuss this with Cato, but I already know what he will say, so there’s no point. I need to talk about this to someone, but I have no idea who. I can’t talk to Tia because it just wouldn’t be right. I can, maybe, talk to my sister, but I’d have to swear her to secrecy. She can be hit or miss in that department.

I really need to clear my mind. The air in the room seems to be disappearing at a rapid rate, and I’m having trouble with my intake. I need fresh air……I need open spaces…..I need out of this room! “I….I have to go. I…..I just can’t right now.” I jump up from the chair and make my way out of the room, ignoring the cries from the twins.

I make it out of the office and out of the packhouse. The minute I hit open air, I take the biggest breath. I feel like my lungs are deflated, and I’m struggling to fill them with air. My knees hit the ground, and I grab the grass as if trying to anchor myself against a raging wind. My chest feels heavy, and I don’t know how to release the pressure.

I’m starting to feel dizzy and fearful of passing out. What the hell is happening to me? Finding your mate is supposed to be a joyous time. It’s supposed to be the best thing that happens to you. I can’t honestly say that’s how I feel right now.

I know I start to move, but I can’t remember how. I feel myself moving in the wind, and there is no way it’s strong enough to be pushing me. I have no idea what direction I’m moving in. I feel I’m not on my feet, so I must be crawling. It feels as if I may be about to die, but that would be crazy. I hear nothing other than the beating of my heart thundering in my ears. I swear I can hear the swooshing of my blood as it rushes around my body.


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