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Three Fated Hearts by LNC novel Chapter 51


The last few days have been crazy. I would have never imagined this is where I’d be right now. I thought we would be getting settled into our new roles and maybe planning a wedding ceremony. I was so close, almost getting precisely what I always dreamed of, and it was taken away from me without hesitation. “I know I deserve all of that and more.” I need to get out of this house. I need to get some fresh air and just figure some things out.

“I’m not sure.” I walk down the hall slowly, paying close attention to my surroundings. “I’m just not sure that it will work.” I head outside, letting the sun beat down on me. “I can’t just do that. It’d be too suspicious.” I walk toward the treeline so I can take a run in wolf form.

I hear a branch rack behind me. I whip around quickly and survey my surroundings. I don’t see anyone in front of me. I thought I saw a flash of color, but there is nothing there and nothing moving. I must have imagined it. “I do want that; I always have.” I turn back and continue on my journey. Hazel needs to stretch out, and I would love to let her take over for a while.

I walk past the tree line and walk until I’m hidden from the packhouse view. “I supposed you’re right.” I stop at a large rock and step out of my sandals. I take off my shorts and tank top, fold them and place them on the rock. “Ok, ok. I will make sure that’s what I do next.” I close my eyes and feel my bones snap into place. I shake out my fur before letting Hazel take over. I have some things to think about.


That was close. I thought I’d be able to escape my room and go for a quick walk without bumping into anyone. I figure I’d be out far enough that I’d be able to think. I really didn’t want to run into Luna Kimberly again.

I made sure to wear an oversized hoodie so that if I did come across someone, they’d be more likely to disregard me. I just don’t have anything to say to anyone until I figure all of this out. Then I almost run into one of the twins. She was on the phone talking to someone. Strange that I couldn’t pick up who was on the other line, but it isn’t as if I cared that much.


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