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Three Fated Hearts by LNC novel Chapter 52


The silence is deafening. Jenna is staring at me, and there is nothing I can do other than stand here and take it. I honestly didn’t think I’d run into anyone out here. After talking with Tia for a while, I just needed to get some fresh air. I needed time to think about everything, and it wouldn’t work if I stayed home. Too many people can come and disturb you.

I often come to this pond to think and get away from the pressures of my future positions. It is calm and quiet out here, and I always love to sit at the pond and take in the surrounding nature. I decided to come out here, thinking I would be alone, but here Jenna is.

Looking at her, I can’t deny how gorgeous she is. Jenna stands at about 5’9, and she has long reddish brown hair. Her eyes are emerald which just makes her hair color bolder. She keeps herself put together in designer clothes, usually, though today she has on an oversized hoodie. You can tell Jenna spends some time at the gym, though I’d imagine it isn’t to learn to fight for her pack.

This is starting to get awkward. Jenna’s staring at me and not speaking. I can either go back to the house or take a seat and see what happens. I look out over the pond with longing. I was truly looking forward to sitting in my spot and figuring some things out.

I take a deep breath and start to walk past Jenna. I make it to a moss-covered log, the one I usually sit against, and I dig into a hole on top. I pull out a ziplock bag and get comfy against the log. “What are you doing?”

“What does it look like? I’m sitting down with a snack.” I open the bag and pull out a piece of beef jerky and go to town. I find that beef jerky is a good snack when you want to contemplate things. You have to chew on it a bit before it can go down. It also tastes really good, depending on the flavors you get.

I look out over the pond and chew on the jerky, letting the movements lull me and allow my mind to explore. I hear a huff behind me. “I was here first. I really don’t want you around right now.” That’s interesting. If I didn’t know any better, I’d think this is her territory, her private property. That’s exactly how she’s acting as if she has all the authority to tell someone where they should and should not be.

“Look, princess…….This is actually open to the public, well the pack anyway. This is my pack and I’ve been coming here for years. There is enough pond here that you can sit away from me and we can do our own thing.”


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