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Three Fated Hearts by LNC novel Chapter 54


No, no, NO! This can’t be happening. It can’t be….Jenna is mated to Mark?! There is no way. There is no way I brought her here to remove Portia; instead, she has found her fated mate. And what the hell is Paul thinking? He wants to have the ceremony this fast? He is really entrusting our sons with this pack when their mate is Portia?! This can’t stand.

The dining room is dead quiet. Jenna is glaring at Mark, huffing and puffing. Mark is looking very unimpressed and passive. Lynn looks as if she wants to rip Jenna’s head off. Neither Landon, Lincoln, nor Portia looks surprised at this turn of events, so I wonder how long they have known this to be the case.

I look at Paul, and he seems surprised and confused. He keeps looking between Mark and Jenna as if waiting for some more news to drop.

Love, did you know about this? Is this why you brought Jenna to the pack? I growl into the mind link and cause Paul’s look to change.

That isn’t what we should be concerned with. You and I have more pressing matters to get into. I put up a block, and I notice the irritation start to appear on Paul’s face. He must be trying to talk to me more, but I won’t make this that easy. Things are too quiet, and I’m getting fed up.

I slam my hands on the table, and all eyes fly toward me. “This is improper, and it won’t stand, not while I’m still Luna of this pack. We will sit down, and we WILL eat this meal that was prepared for us. After the meal, Jenna and Mark will join me in my office.” I look around the room, daring anyone to speak against me. “Now eat!” Utensils start to tap and scrape against plates again, and Jenna leaves the dining room.

No one makes small talk during dinner, and that’s fine with me. I don’t really have an appetite, so I decide to head up early. Maybe I can speak to Jenna before Mark is finished with his meal. I know Paul will also expect to join our little meeting, so I need to be prepared for that.

I have to admit that once everyone started to eat, I stopped paying attention to what was going on in the room. I was too focused on my next move and how I could salvage my little plan. I should have been more aware of what was going on. If I had been, I would have noticed Stuart leaving the room before I did.


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