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Three Fated Hearts by LNC novel Chapter 53


What a day! First, I wake up to a delicious few rounds with my mates; then I have a crazy serious talk with Mark. Who could have guessed that his mate would end up being Jenna, the pain in my a*s?

After speaking with Mark, I decided to take a walk and reflect on everything. Being back home has been a whirlwind, starting with finding out I’m mated to the twins, the future Alphas of the pack. I would have never imagined this to be the case, but here we are.

So many things have gone on in such a short amount of time. There are so many changes in my life, but I guess that’s what it’s about. The important thing now is to figure out what to do and how to roll with the punches.

I walk for some time, not really keeping track of the time or looking to end up at any particular destination. I watched pack members so about with their everyday lives, not many sparing me a glance. The sun starts to set on me, and the view is beautiful.

Love, where are you?

I’m just walking.

We are heading to dinner if you want to join us. I sigh and don’t respond. Dinner at the packhouse will mean dinner with the rest of the pack members. I’ve been avoiding these meals as much as possible, though some were avoided with just simple luck. I guess I can’t keep avoiding this since I’m meant to be the next Luna. It’s time to put on my big girl panties and face the world, so to speak.

I head to the packhouse, trying to sike myself up as I go. I want to be collected and focused when I get in the dining room. I know there will be people there who would love nothing more than to see me fail, and I can’t give them the satisfaction.

I walk through the front door of the packhouse and head to the back toward the kitchen. This isn’t the only way into the dining room, but I wanted to have that extra time to gather myself. I walk through the kitchen, nodding to the staff as I go. I get some nods back, but things are still a bit rocky with the pack. I need to remedy that.

I walk into the dining room, and eyes immediately land on me. The ranked member’s table is pretty full at the moment. The twins have just sat down at the head of the table with an empty chair between them that I’m sure is meant for me. The Luna and Alpha are on Lincoln’s left, which is weird since they are still running the pack. Mark and Lynn are on Landon’s right, with their parents sitting beside them.

Surprisingly, my parents and sisters are at the ranked table toward the other end. I see an open seat, and I’m guessing that must be for Jenna. I walk toward my mates, smiling at my mom as I go. I know she won’t be able to greet me like she would want to with my dad there. He hates when she shows me affection. Daddy ignores me completely, looking at the plate in front of him, and Adela gives me a dirty look. Aida looks at me but seems to be looking through me. It’s good to see her out and about, but something seems off about her.


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