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Three Fated Hearts by LNC novel Chapter 58

I stand in front of the door of my childhood home, memories rushing back to me. It’s always hard to come here because, growing up, this house was just not warm. There was love here, not love that included me. My mom loved me as much as any mom could love their child, but that love tended to be stifled by my dad. He only had eyes for my sisters and often tried to keep my mom from focusing on me. She did what she could whenever she was able, but there were many times that she had to pretend as if. She had to pretend as if my pain wasn’t important, as if my feelings didn’t matter, as if I was less than a member of this family.

If I hadn’t had Mark and Lynn, along with their parents, I’m not sure how I would have gotten through. When my mom couldn’t be a mom to me, I would go to their home. I was like the second daughter to them, their third child. I loved every moment that I spent in that house and the love that they showed me.

I’m sure many would wonder why I didn’t just move into their home when I graduated high school. If I was such a part of their family, why didn’t I join them officially? To be honest, I did consider doing just that, but I never followed through. I didn’t want there to be any more tension in this pack surrounding me. The truth of the matter is that showing interest in me caused tension in the ranks. Since my dad is the head warrior, he always works closely with the ranked members. My dad would be hateful toward anyone who showed me any interest, including Beta John and his family. I felt it would be better to break away from the pack so everyone could live comfortably. My decision hurt Mark and Lynn, but they understood.

I gather my courage and knock on the door, holding my breath. I know my mates said mom should be here alone, but you never know. I wait impatiently, shifting from foot to foot. I hope mom is here and I don’t have to search the packhouse for her. I finally hear rustling behind the door and the click of the knob. The door opens slightly, and I can see darkness on the other side. My mom’s head pops through and gives me a solemn look.

I don’t say anything; I take in her appearance. She has dark circles around her eyes and looks a bit ashen. Her lips look dry, and her clothing is disheveled. Mom steps back and opens the door wider. I cautiously walk into the house, taking in the dark room. There are no lights on and no curtains open. I step to the side and allow mom to close the door. She takes a few awkward steps until she is standing in front of me.

Mom starts to wring her hands and looks around the room, taking care not to catch my eye. I don’t really know where to start or what to say. I’m hurt by the fact that mom canceled on me, but this wouldn’t be the first time. In the past, when we did things like this, important bonding things, it was often when my dad was distracted or away. We had to be loving mom and daughter silently in most cases. I never understood why, but I never asked either. I always took, for a fact, that my mother loved me unconditionally and left it at that.

“Mom, I-”

“I’m sor-” We both try to talk at the same time and quickly stop. I chuckle uncomfortably, not understanding why this is so awkward. I walk to the living room and have a seat on the couch. I notice a glass filled with an amber liquid on the coffee table, but I don’t comment on it. Mom follows me into the room and sits in an armchair.

“Are you okay, mom?”

“I…..uh, yeah. I’m o….okay.” I sigh. I want to say many things, but I can’t find the words.

Mom’s wolf is reaching out to me. They are in pain.

I can tell there is something off, but what can I do if she doesn’t want to talk to me? Andricia just huffs and lays on her stomach in my mind. At least mom’s wolf is reaching out, but I don’t know if mom will do the same.

“What happened mom? Why did you cancel? Last night, you were excited to do this with me. What changed?” Mom takes a deep breath, but a sob escapes her lips instead of words. She places her hand to her mouth, but it’s too late.

“I….I was set to go with you this morning. My baby, becoming Luna. My baby needed me and I couldn’t be happier. Your….your father…..” Daddy? What could he have done or said? “He didn’t want me to go. He accused me of supporting you more than the twins. He…..I told him that you needed me and this was important. I siad that I’m your mother and I needed to support you. He blew up….” Mom gets up and starts to pace the room. I watch her silently, wondering what more there is. I caught mom rubbing her hand again and again.

“What did he do?” Mom stops walking for a second before starting again and picking up her pace. I wait a bit, watching mom get more and more agitated. “Mom, what did he do?”

“He….your father….you have to understand that he…well…..” I can’t take too much more of this. I know he did something, but mom won’t say.


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