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Three Fated Hearts by LNC novel Chapter 59


I swear training lasted forever today. I really just wanted to be home so I can fine-tune things. I have a lot to do, and I need the time to make sure I get it right. As much as I wanted to be home, missing practice is never an option when it comes to daddy. We had to train every day unless we were sick. Since we are wolves, getting sick really doesn’t happen.

As soon as training was over, I grabbed my bag and headed home. Adela tried to mind-link me, but I’ve been blocking her out. I can only deal with so much, and right now, I don’t have the capacity to deal with her. “I know, I know. We will have things finalized soon, I promise.”

I shake my head and find my way home. I step to the front door and turn the knob. The door opens, and I’m shocked at what is in front of me. Mom and Portia are standing at the door. Portia has her hand out as if she were about to open the door. I look at both of them and notice that mom has a bag in her hand. I’m not aware of any trips that mom is supposed to be taking.

I look at mom, “Where are you going?” Mom nervously looks at me, Portia, then back at me. She licks her lips and takes a deep breath.

“I….uh……well…..” Mom stumbles over her words. I truly don’t have time for this. Portia pushes mom behind her and stands up tall, focusing her eyes on mine.

“Mom is coming to stay with me.” Portia is standing tall as if daring me to fight her on this. I, honestly, don’t care where she stays. Daddy has always been our favorite parent, and Mom has always just been there. I have to admit that my life wouldn’t change if she were not here. I know, though, daddy will not like it.

I push the door open all the way, and I step inside the house. I step around the two and head toward the stairs. I hear shuffling behind me, I assume that they were leaving the house, and I wasn’t inclined to stop them. “Just a piece of advice,” I start without turning around. I hear the movements pause. “Daddy will be upset when he finds out, so I would be prepared if I were you.” I continue up the stairs and into my room. I close the door behind me. “Let’s figure this out.”


I’m surprised that Aida didn’t stop us. I figured she would be more than happy to keep us at the house until dad could show, and we would have it out. Aida just lets us leave without a fight; strange just doesn’t cover it.

After her warning, I pull mom from the house. I usher her quickly to the packhouse. I didn’t want to take more time than necessary to get away from there. I had no idea when dad would return or even Adela. Something told me that Adela would not be as laid back about mom leaving as Aida was.

The trip back to the packhouse had me on edge. I couldn’t be sure that Aida didn’t decide to alert my dad once we left. I kept checking our surroundings as we walked, half expecting him to jump out at us. I didn’t relax until the packhouse came into view. I guess I can relax because dad would be stupid to try something with so many witnesses available.


Yes, beautiful?

Are you okay, Love?

Yeah, I’m fine. I’m almost back at the packhouse. Uh….mom is with me. She needs to stay with us for a bit.


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