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Three Fated Hearts by LNC novel Chapter 7


I swear I cried the entire way back to my apartment. The four-hour drive was filled with sniffling and wailing. I have no idea what went through the minds of anyone who noticed me while I was driving.

I can’t say that I’m surprised at what happened. I could have guessed the outcome would have been something like that. My dad only wants the best for his amazing daughters, and here I am, just getting in the way of that. I’d imagine that I will get a rejection letter or something in the next day or two. Let’s face facts. There is nothing I can offer the Alphas that my sisters couldn’t provide tenfold.

Times like this, with high stress and anxiety, I usually shift into Andricia and let nature bring me back to a more manageable state. There is no way I can do that today because if I shift into Andricia, she will just hightail it right back home to the pack. She has been whining for her mates since I got on the road, and it has taken everything in me to fight the urge to turn back. I will have to figure out a way to prepare her for what will come next.

I finally make it to my apartment and can’t wait to get in a steaming hot shower. Maybe I can wash all of this pain and anger away. I pull my phone out of my purse, remembering that it is dead. I never tried to charge it or turn it on. I set it up on the charger and get what I need to get in the shower.

I stay in the shower until the water turns cold and my fingers start to prune. The shower wasn’t as refreshing as I hoped it would be since I spent a huge portion of it in tears. I’m never one to question the Moon Goddess, but I just don’t understand any of this right now. Why have I been treated this way all my life by my family? Why mate me to the twins who are dating my sisters? I just don’t understand.

I haven’t eaten in more than 24 hours, but I’m not hungry. I’m actually exhausted, whether that be from a lack of proper sleep or just the emotional toll of all of these recent events. I just know that I need to recharge. I throw some pajamas on, fix the blinds, and fall out in the middle of my bed. The sleep comes, but it isn’t a restful one.


I’m furious. The way Adela was talking about my mate……hell, the way she was talking about her sister. I’m just furious. I almost shift and let Goliath take over, but I know that Lincoln and I have things to do, so I just don’t have the time.

When I leave the Colby house, I start to walk slowly toward the packhouse. I’m sure Lincoln will catch up with me soon. I try to use the time to figure out what to do next. Regardless of the response, the twins now know what’s going on and what we plan to do. Tia isn’t here anymore, but no one knows what made her leave. What if she left because she didn’t want us? What do we do if that’s the case? I’d rather walk through fire than beg the twins to take us back. I just saw a side of them that I didn’t like. I won’t lie and say I didn’t know that side was there; I just never really had to see it before. “So, how did you leave it?” I could feel Lincoln strolling up behind me; it’s a twin thing.

“I’m sure you already know. Aida went into her usual hysterics and I never know what to think about Adela.” I sigh and say nothing. I really don’t want to talk about them anymore. I want us to figure out what to do about Tia.


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