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Three Fated Hearts by LNC novel Chapter 8





At first, I thought it was a part of my dream, this annoying knocking. I turned over multiple times, hoping it would go away. It was the knock on my bedroom wall that got me moving. ‘WOULD YOU ANSWER THE DAMN DOOR?!’

“So….sorry.” I swear, sometimes I hate living in an apartment, and I hate living around so many humans. Don’t get me wrong; I have no issue with humans at all. It’s just we are different creatures, and some of the things that irritate them are small and petty, in my opinion.

I throw the covers back and try to put my feet into my teddy bear slippers. I’m groggy and still sleepy. There is too much on my mind to be able to sleep soundly. I make my way to the door, the knocking getting louder with each step. I have no idea who the hell would be at my door. Maybe it’s my dad, and he will sit here and force me to reject the twins. Maybe it’s the Alpha and Luna, and they will demand that I reject their sons.

I reach the door and start to undo the locks and chains. “Okay, okay……keep your pants on. Give me a minute.” The knocking finally stops, and I send up a silent thank you. I open the door, and my voice gets stuck in my throat. I must be seeing things, or I must be asleep still. How is it that I open the door, and those two are standing in front of me? Lincoln and Landon……..my mates……at my apartment. I look down at myself and squeak. I quickly slam the door shut and run back into my room. There is no way I can talk to them looking like this.


I have no idea how long we have been knocking, but it feels like forever. Landon and I are taking turns, but she hasn’t appeared yet. Her car is parked in the parking lot, so we figure she is here somewhere. We annoy the neighbors with the noise, but neither of us cares.

Finally we hear the locks and her sweet voice telling us to give her a minute. The door swings open, and her scent hits me like a freight train; lilacs and sandalwood. I take a deep breath and take in the sight in front of me. Tia has on the cutest teddy bear slippers. I’m sure on anyone else they would look childish, but not on my mate. She is wearing a silk short set, deep blue in color. The shorts are short, and the top looks like one of those camisoles or something. I have no idea about woman’s fashion; I just know her n*****s are hard and pushing against the fabric. One of her straps is hanging down her arm, which is dropping the front of her top. Her braids are up in a messy bun on top of her head. She has sleep in her eyes, and she is yawning.

Tia looks up at us and seems to freeze. Next thing we know, the door is shut in our faces. I look at Landon, and he looks as mesmerized as I just was. Landon shakes his head a bit and looks at me. Neither of us quite knows what to do at this point. Do we force our way in, or do we wait and hope she comes back to the door? We don’t have to think about it for long because a minute or two later, the door opens again. This time, Tia has on a pair of dark blue skinny jeans with a black, long sleeve shirt. She ditched the slippers for a pair of long black socks. She looks just as good now as she did a minute ago.

“Wh….what are you two doing here?” I lean against the door frame, looking Tia up and down. I can feel my body responding to the sight, and my mind is going wild with everything I would love to do to her.

“You left without so much as a goodbye and we wanted to find out what was going on.” Thank the Goddess for my brother because I’m not sure that I could have formed a coherent sentence just then. I clear my throat and try to shake the dirty thoughts from my mind.


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