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Trapped with My Billionaire Ex-Husband (Blair and Sebastian) novel Chapter 66

Chapter 66 


I was fiddling with my thumb while we were on the plane. We are now on our way back to the city. I have no idea what’s going to happen next. Though I haven’t decided whether I should tell Sebastian the truth about Blaze, it seems like I have no choice but to admit it. 

I have been throwing a glance at Sebastian, trying to find the right opportunity to open up the topic. I lost count of how many times I have been swallowing hard, hoping to get rid of the invisible lump in my throat. However, no matter how much I tried, there’s nothing coming out of my mouth. 

I took a deep breath, gathering all the courage to talk to him, but just when I was about to speak up, his phone rang. 

He looked at me for a second as he glanced at his phone screen. Instead of answering it, he stood up and went to the back before pulling out the curtain to cover the area. 

It didn’t take long for me to figure out who it was on the other line. How stupid I was to completely forget about the other person in his life! All the courage that I’ve been gathering up since we got into the plane flew out of the window. 

After a few minutes, he went back to his seat. I fixed my eyes outside the window, not bothering to look at him. 

“Are you hungry?” he asked. It’s the first time that he’s talked to me since we got here. 

“I’m good,” I answered briefly without looking in his direction. 

I heard him blow a loud sigh before staying silent once again. I felt his hand trying to hold mine, but I casually removed my hand resting on the armrest and crossed both of my arms in front of my chest. 

We stayed in that position for the entire flight. I was so engrossed in looking at the clouds outside the window that I didn’t. realize I had fallen asleep. 

I was eventually woken up by a warm hand softly caressing my cheeks. I slowly opened my eyes, and I quickly welcomed Sebastian’s mesmerizing eyes. 

“We’re here,” he gently whispered. 

I looked outside and immediately realized that we had landed. I quickly unbuckled my seat and grabbed my bag before I stood up. 

“Thank you for the ride. I’ll go ahead,” I said before heading towards the door. As soon as I walked out of the door, I was greeted by a massive empty space in the middle of nowhere. It seems like we landed on a private property, hence our location. 

I was still contemplating how I would get out of this place without Sebastian when he suddenly grabbed my hand and pulled me towards a black car parked right below the stairs of the plane. Despite my hesitation, I quickly realized that I had no other choice but to go with him. 

He was still holding my hand even after we got into his car. I was casually trying to get my hand back, but whenever I tried, he just tightened his grip. 

My plan was to ask him to drop me off at some place where I could take a cab. I was looking for a perfect opportunity to ask him when his phone rang once again. He picked it up from his pocket and looked at the screen. I don’t want him to see me checking his phone, so I tried my best not to look at it. Instead of answering like he did a while ago, I was quite surprised when he suddenly turned his phone off before casually looking outside the window. 

I didn’t bother diving into what’s going on with him, for I was too focused on ditching him before I went to see Blaze. We were still quite far from the hospital, but I decided to get off here, 

“You can just drop me off on the next corner,” I told Sebastina, indirectly telling the driver where to stop. 


15:04 Wed, Feb 7 G. 

Chapter 66 


But, as expected, the car didn’t pull over. I looked at Sebastian directly and repeated it again. “Sebastian, I need you to pull over. I’ll be getting off here.” 

“Have you forgotten what I’ve said when we were on the island? I still have one more day with you. But since you insisted that you needed to go back, then I believe it’s only fair if I stay with you while you do what you have to do,” he replied. 

“I can’t,” I answered. 

“Why not?” he asked, raising his eyebrow. 

I gulped, thinking of any possible reason I could tell him, but I couldn’t think of anything. I let out a loud sigh of defeat. 

After a few minutes of silence, I heard him speak again. “So, where are we going?” 

“Just go straight, then take a turn on the 3rd street,” I answered, offering concise directions to the driver. Despite the simplicity of my response, my mind was a whirlwind of apprehensions about the upcoming hospital visit. 

As the car glided through the city streets, I kept my gaze fixed outside, avoiding eye contact with Sebastian. The silence inside the car was both a comfort and a burden. Each passing street heightened the anticipation. 

As we approached the turn on the 3rd street, I felt a subtle tension in the air. “This is it,” I said, and the driver quickly stopped in front of the hospital. 

“A hospital?” Sebastian uttered it with a face full of confusion. 


I just nodded in response before quickly getting out of the car. Sebastian followed me silently. As we reached the elevator, he finally aired his curiosity. 

“Who are you visiting in the hospital?” he asked, but I continued to ignore him. 


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