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Trapped with My Billionaire Ex-Husband (Blair and Sebastian) novel Chapter 70

Chapter 70 


“I’ve called you a thousand times. I went to your penthouse, but you weren’t there. And your secretary didn’t tell me anything. Where have you been?” Catherine said as she slowly walked down the stairs the moment I walked through the door. 

I almost forgot when was the last time I stepped foot in this house. I looked at Catherine’s face, and I couldn’t feel anything but disgust. I loathed her. I wanted to blame her for everything, but I couldn’t because I know deep in my heart I’m part of the blame for everything that happened to me. I’m miserable not because of Catherine. I allow myself to be manipulated so easily. I believe in every word she said, and I can’t blame anyone but myself. I’m miserable, and I deserve it. 

It took me time to realize how stupid I was. I let my guilt cloud my judgment. Back then, I really thought I still loved Catherine. I made the right choice when I chose to be with her and leave Blaire. But it only took me a year into marriage with Catherine before I realized that I made the biggest mistake of my life when I chose to let go of Blaire. 

I don’t love Catherine anymore. I felt the need to be with her because I thought that was the right thing to do. But the truth was, I was just feeling guilty about not being with Catherine when she was fighting for her life. I confused guilt with love. 

“Are you ready to sign the divorce papers?” I asked her, not paying attention to all her nagging questions. 

She blew a loud breath. “How many times do I have to tell you that I’m not going to sign those papers? I’ll be your wife until I die.” she answered. 

“Then, I hope you die now,” I said coldly before heading towards my office. I have important documents that I need to get from the office, so I was forced to come here despite my eagerness to avoid this place as much as possible. 

As usual, she didn’t let go of this topic. She followed me up to my office. “Where have you been, Sebastian?” she asked once again. 

I had a feeling that she already knew what’s going on. She just wanted to hear the confirmation from me. “Somewhere I should have been a long time ago,” I answered her without much context. She’s smart. She’ll figure it out. 

“So, you’re still unable to let go of her, huh?” she said, her words filled with bitterness. “How can you do this to me, Sebastian? After all I’ve done for you? After all I’ve been through just to be with you, you still weren’t able to forget her! How dare you?!” 

I scoffed, “Everything that you’ve done for me?” I said sarcastically. “You want to take that path? Sure, let’s go there.” I slowly walked towards her, and with each word, it was like a threat. “Tell me, what have you done to be with me?” I asked her. 

She gulped as she found herself cornered, and her back was pressed against the drawer. “I-I did that because I love you, Sebastian,” she stuttered. 

“You did what, Catherine? You have to be more specific.” 

She opened her mouth to answer, but she failed. 

I scoffed, ‘Can’t say anything?” I said. “Fine, let me say it for you. You lied about being pregnant, and you needed my help because the father of your child didn’t want to support you. And you used that same supposed child to make Blaire believe that it was mine, only to find out that you were never pregnant in the first place!” 

“Don’t just blame it all on me!” 

“Yes, I know. It’s my fault as well. That’s why I’m trying my best to do what is right. I tried to be considerate and understanding But my patience is running thin, Catherine. Sign the papers so we can move on with our lives. I’m trying to rectify the mistakes that we made, and I’m hoping you’ll do the same.” 

“So, you can be with Blaire? I will never let her win! i will never let the two of you be happy while I’m being miserable! You have to kill me first before I sign those papers! 

I laughed bitterly before I slowly walked towards my table and imped on my swivel chair. I suddenly felt exhausted after 

11:39 Tue, Feb 13 J 

Chapter 70 

all that happened today 


“Do you really think Blaire and I will be together after you sign those divorce papers? Blaire will never want to be with me after all that I’ve done to her. She may never forgive me, but I’d rather spend my whole life begging for her forgiveness rather than spending it in hell with you. So, sign those goddamn papers for fck’s sake!” 

I watched the tears fall on her checks, and her eyes were filled with sadness and sorrow. But I will not allow myself to be swayed by her tears, not anymore. I was blinded by the image of the woman I used to love and cherish. When I found out the truth about her struggles 

to protect me, I felt the need to pay her back. I felt guilty for not being with her when she needed me the most. I feel like I owe it to her to make sure that she’ll be happy after all the sacrifices that she has made for me. 

But all the good things that she has done lose their purpose when her lies pile up on top of each other. As soon as those lies were finally revealed, it didn’t take long before I realized the gravity of my mistakes. I lost the woman I love because I was too caught up in making up for what happened in the past. I was in love with Catherine. But it was Blaire who made me realize what true love was all about. Cliché it may sound, but it’s true that you’ll only realize the true value of something when it’s gone. 

“N-No, I-I won’t, Sebastian. I can’t let you go. I love you. And I know deep in your heart, you still love me too. You wouldn’t have married me if you didn’t have even an ounce of love for me. We made our vows when we got married, and I had every intention to fulfil that vow.” 


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