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True Fated Marriage novel Chapter 2116

Sebastian got up early in the morning to take a shower and got out of the bathroom in a bathrobe. He was preparing to change into his clothes in his room.

Then, a loud knock came at the door.

He turned around in surprise. The housekeepers were the only ones who usually knocked on his door at such hour, so Sebastian went and opened it without hesitation.

When the door opened, it revealed two girls in front of him.

The large patch of bright pink was rather dazzling.

Sebastian observed the two carefully and he found that the girl in pink was the crazy woman from the night before.

He was a bit shocked, and a look of surprise appeared on his face.

Claudia raised her eyebrow subtly at Sebastian's expression, and she appraised Sebastian carefully, who was only wearing a bathrobe.

Claudia's eyes moved downwards from his face, not holding back.

He had a sharp jaw, slender neck and his Adam's apple jutted out spectacularly. Then, Claudia's eyes moved to his chest.

Sebastian's robe was slightly left open, and his chest was not exactly thin, but it was rather skinny.

After all, he was still young, and it would take some time for him to grow some defined pectoral muscles.

Claudia could tell that Sebastian loved sports, and she was very glad about that.

Meanwhile, her eyes kept moving downwards. The bathrobe covered most of Sebastian's body, but it stopped at the calves.

He was wearing a pair of gray slippers. His feet were very big, and his skin was pale and smooth.

Sebastian wasn't a very manly sort of man.

Most probably, he wasn't the hairy kind either.

Claudia was very satisfied.

She smiled wickedly.

No matter how she put it, Sebastian was truly her type.

She praised herself silently for having such a good eye.

He was the first boy Claudia had ever liked.

The two looked at each other.

Neither of them spoke, and there was a strange tension in the air.

Sylvia looked at Sebastian, then at Claudia who was beside her, and she was stunned by the amount of emotions she saw in both their eyes.

Were they really meant to be together?

In general, Sebastian wouldn't look at someone for so long. Hell, he barely paid attention to anyone at all. However, his apparent staring at Claudia put Sylvia in disbelief.

She thought perhaps her previous assumptions were indeed wrong.

Sebastian was acting rather strangely.

Sylvia opened her mouth, wanting to say something, but the invisible tension in the air from the two shut her up.

At long last, Sebastian seemed to have come to his senses. He schooled his features and looked away from Claudia to Sylvia. Then, he said coldly, "What do you want?"

Sylvia was surprised by the sudden question, but she managed to recover and she asked, "Sebastian, Claudia says that she has something to ask you about, so I brought her to your room." "Well, you're not welcome here." Sebastian's voice was monotone and rigid. "My room isn't a museum where you can visit anytime you like."

"You're the man that I like, so I'm not just here for your room. I'm here for you too." Claudia giggled.

Sebastian frowned deeply.

Claudia patted Sylvia's shoulder and said, "All right, my little sister-in-law, you can go back to your room first. I need to speak with Sebastian for a while, but I'll be back soon."

Sylvia looked at Claudia before she noticed the sour expression on Sebastian's face. Oh, she seemed to have crossed Sebastian that time.

Well, who the f*ck cared?

It was fine as long as she didn't offend Claudia.

Love was the most important thing to her, so she was willing to sellout Sebastian for Kendrix.

Sylvia nodded and said, "Okay, you two can chat."

"Sylvia!" Sebastian yelled, not expecting that Sylvia would try to run away from the situation.

"Mom's going to wake up and come over if you yell so loudly," Sylvia said.

"It doesn't matter. Once she comes, I'll take off Sebastian's clothes." Claudia added lazily. "I'll have your mother spank him."

"Hey!" Sebastian never expected that a woman could be so self- righteous when saying such


Even though as man, he was already blushing when he heard that.

His face was a little warm, and his breathing was a little erratic.

Sylvia giggled, and she turned to leave.

As Sebastian stood in front of her, Claudia looked at him calmly, her eyes had not left his face for a second.

"Sebastian, you're no match for me. It's so easy to take off your clothes." Claudia smiled as she said. "If you insist on wasting time here, I got time to lose, but I'll do as I say. I'll take off your clothes once your mother comes. After all, your robe is only secured by a single strap."

It would all be over once the strap was undone.

Sebastian frowned and pursed his lips.

The both of them were in a deadlock.

Claudia smiled and continued, "Let's go inside. It won't take long for us to have a chat."

Sebastian was very unwilling to fold to Claudia's threats, but footsteps suddenly sounded in the corridor.


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