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True Tycoon Her Empire, Her Rules ( Winnie and Suzan ) novel Chapter 105

Chapter 105 

Winnie’s voice was soft, yet it carried clearly through the room, capturing the attention of everyone present

Candace’s eyes widened slightly, she couldn’t believe Winnie would object to the proposed arrangement

Why though?Candace pouted, a touch of irritation coloring her tone as she turned to scrutinize Winnie, her gaze probing, as if trying to determine if Winnie harbored the same motives as she did

After all Candace had joined this reality show with the sole intention of partnering with Kane

In the live chat. Candace’s fans were quick to rally to her defense when they saw their favorite pouting, their messages flooding the screen in support

Wait, why is Winnie objecting?” 

I can see it now; she wants to be with Kane too. You’ve got to admit, she’s got taste.” 

Come on, guys. Would you rather pick Gentry over Kane?” 

You’re talking like it’s some boyfriends selection. If this were a dating show, sure, pick Kane, but this is supernatural show!” 

Being with Kane means more spotlight and clout; even a fool knows what to choose!” 

Aww, our Gentry is being rejected; it’s just too sad.” 

Winnie’s so transparent with her motives..I seriously can’t stand her. Can she please just exit the show?” 

Candace’s motives aren’t clearcut? Why single out one and not the other?” 

Obviously, because their star power isn’t on the same level.” 

The chat continued to buzz with chatter, but it hardly fazed the reality show stars

Faced with Candace’s question, Winnie calmly replied, The show’s format.doesn’t allow it.” 

Her voice was cool and detached, devoid of emotion as she carefully explained, There are six of us on the show: myself, Mervin, and Gentrywe all have a basic understanding of the mystical arts. With the show’s focus on mystical adventures, whether by design or accident, there’s bound to be a need for our knowledge. Our presence ensures the show stays on theme. which is why pairing up with a novice is the most logical choice.” 

Winnie laid out her reasoning with objective clarity, her personal preferences set aside. Yet Candace’s brow remained furrowed, her expression one of unconvinced dissatisfaction

Unruffled, Winnie simply asked her, Tell me, if you were paired with Kane, could you guarantee to handle situations requiring mystical knowledge?” 



Chapter 105 

The live chat, previously critical of Winnie, now quieted down considerably

It finally makes sense: two novices together don’t stand a chance.” 

You had me at novice.” 

I thought the show’s pairing was odd, but there’s a reason behind it. Props to the top student for summing it up.” 

Hold on, isn’t she not even enrolled yet? Is she sure she represents the mystical category??” 

Guys, don’t underestimate a genius. When they get competitive, watch out.” 

Is that all it takes to be a genius now? Your standards are way too low.” 

While some viewers continued to disparage Winnie, their comments were quickly drowned out by others

Cutler watched the negative comments get buried with disgust

Meanwhile, Candace, having heard Winnie’s explanation, finally showed a flash of understanding, tinged with reluctance. But on camera, she couldn’t let her disappointment 

show too clearly. Instead, she quietly moved to stand beside Gentry

As Winnie extended her hand, ready to welcome Candace back into her group… 

Had Candace forgotten that she could choose to pair up with Winnie

Candace might be known as Bitch Candace,” but her simple and naive nature was a refreshing change from the likes of Kathryn Henderson, who seemed to carry a perpetual air of aggression. Winnie had no qualms about teaming up with her

But it wasn’t just Candace who had overlooked this optionKane seemed to have forgotten as well

Seeing Candace automatically join Geritry, Kane naturally assumed he was paired with Winnie

The live chat erupted with laughter

“LOL, seeing Winnie’s ignored hand, I can’t stop laughing. Who said she was after Kane? She’s clearly here for Candace!” 

Her awkward glance in that momentI could rewatch it a hundred times.” 

Didn’t expect that from you, Winnie!” 

Girls just wanna stick with girls, none of that catty competition here.” 

Oblivious to the roasting in the live chat, Winnie saw the groups had settled and said no more. The six of them ventured into the mansion

As the crew had mentioned, the place had been tidied up. If not for the dim lighting, the house’s decor could be considered quite elegant

Standing inside, they noticed a large tree obscuring the eastern window, casting a shadow over 


Chapter 105 

the house and giving it an ominous feel, despite it being daytime


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