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True Tycoon Her Empire, Her Rules ( Winnie and Suzan ) novel Chapter 106

Chapter 106 

Almost the instant Kane finished explaining what the archway meant, the internet was ablaze with chatter, catapulting the topic to the top of the trending searches

Premiere of Ghostly Guidance! Guests stay in a Graveyard” 

Right above that hot topic was another: Premiere mishap on Ghostly Guidance! All guests demand his removal from the show 

These two trending topics instantly shot the premiere of the reality show Ghostly Guidanceinto the stratosphere of public attention

Baily should have been over the moon, scrolling through the trending topics and the live stream’s viewer count skyrocketing past a million. All these numbers signaled that Ghostly Guidancehad secured its viewership for the episode

Even the issue Kane raised with the house was within the production team’s initial scope of 


The house was precisely the one Baily had previously visited and experienced a supernatural encounter. Among the many potential locations, it was the last one scouted, and its controversial past was why it had been chosen for the first episode of Ghostly Guidance.” 

This was everything Baily had wanted from the start, but now, a chill ran down his spine

The rest of the crew might have seen it as just another shoot, but he knew all too well that there was something genuinely off about this house

Remembering those sinister, ghostly eyes he’d seen, Baily couldn’t help but clutch the protection charm he wore, reassuring himself it was still there, which brought him a slight sense of relief

Meanwhile, the host stepped forward again.. 

Next up, our guests will choose their rooms in pairs. We’ve preinstalled cameras in each room for the live stream, which will run from 8 AM to 9 PM every day, so you don’t need to worry about privacy.” 

With a grin, Ned then called for the production staff to bring over a tray

Here we have six envelopes, specially prepared by our team for you to keep close. If your encounter any emergencies during filming, open the envelope for some help.” 

He distributed the envelopes to the six guests

Naylor, curious, asked, What kind of emergency warrants opening it?” 

Ned just chuckled and said, You’ll have to rely on your instincts for that. Please don’t open it without good reason. Once opened, the envelope’s contents are null and void.” 

Ned’s expression was one of playful mystery, although he himself had no clue what would 

Chapter 106

qualify as an emergency” 

The envelopes had been a lastminute addition by the producer, who’d insisted on them so much that the budget was adjusted. There was no mention of this in the original script

Candace and Gentry, who were about to peek inside their envelopes, stopped short at Ned’s words, not wanting to waste their lifeline

Winnie knew what was in the envelope the moment she touched it

Its shape was unmistakablea charm she sold at her store

Clearly, Baily wanted to provide some extra safety for the guests during filming

Real safety charms, that is

After securing their envelopes, the guests paired off to choose their rooms. Although Winnie and Candace didn’t end up as roommates, being the only two women, they naturally shared at room. Mervin was staying with Naylor, and Gentry with Kane

Upon entering their room, Candace let out a playful sigh, Had I known we’d wind up together, I wouldn’t have bothered fussing

Winnie didn’t respond, but inwardly, she couldn’t agree more. It had been a needless hassle

They began unpacking their luggage

This sort of segment always drew eyes, especially from the women’s quarters, where the contents of a suitcase could be surprisingly vast

Winnie placed her suitcase away from the camera’s angle and began to settle in. Candace, who initially wanted to show off her own belongings, saw this and joined her

Winnie, what did you bring? Show me!she insisted, squeezing her head into the frame

Winnie swayed, her suitcase contents now fully visible to Candace and the viewing audience, all of whom shared a collective oooh.” 

Winnie had opened her suitcase to reveal five neatly packed navy cloth bags, each wrapped separately and fitting snugly inside. At first glance, they were satisfyingly symmetrical, but completely concealed their contents

Whatwhat have you got in there?Candace asked, a hint of embarrassment in her voice

Winnie casually picked up one of the drawstring cloth bags, opened it, and pulled out at neatlyfolded set of pajamas

As you can see, clothes.” 

Pointing at the other bags, Candace prodded, Are those clothes too?” 

Yes,Winnie replied, without any intention of showing more

Seeing that Winnie was not inclined to share further, Candace wasn’t upset but instead pulled 

het over to share her own treasures 

Look what I brought! This is my skincare bag. Eve got face maskswe can do face masks bogether at night These are my favonte snacks. This is my usual bedsheet My clothes, and two pairs of shoes Power bank! A small mirror given by a fan. And a bag of salt.” 

Candace wan exuberantly showcasing her items to Winnie, regardless of whether she was 

interested or not 

Winnie could sense the girl’s warmth and understood why online people, while they nicknamed her bitch Candace,couldn’t bring themselves to scold her


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