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True Tycoon Her Empire, Her Rules ( Winnie and Suzan ) novel Chapter 109

Chapter 109 

With an air of finality, a single sentence echoed like a clap of thunder

Kane’s thoughts inadvertently drifted back to the elderly lady’s visage from yesterday, and he hesitated for a moment. You meanhe’s her grandson?” 

If it was the old woman’s grandson, why was his picture hanging in this mansion, while she herself resided in another estate…. 

It’s not her grandson; probably a grandnephew.” 

Winnie wasn’t particularly gifted in physiognomy, her insights were limited. Even so, her revelation was enough to astonish

How do you know?Kane asked, his gaze on Winnie tinged with complexity

It’s in the face.After Winnie finished speaking, she noticed Kane’s bemused look and elaborated. There’s a lineage line on a person’s face. The presence of a familial tie can be discerned through facial features. A skilled facereader might even discern a person’s past and future through their visage.” 

Winnie spoke with conviction, but the viewers in the live stream chat were utterly confused

I almost bought into that. Can facereaders really be that incredible?” 

They must be pulling our leg. Probably clues leaked by the production team in advance, all scripted.” 

Where’s this lineage line? I can’t see it in the picture…” 

Could Winnie actually know her stuff? She sounds quite professional.” 

The chosen ones of the Supernatural Department must really have some tricks up their 


The majority of the viewers expressed skepticism, but before they could come to any conclusion, the sound of hurried footsteps echoed from the camera’s location

Winnie and Kane turned towards the noise, only to see Mervin, his face grim, rushing up the stairs with two cameramen in tow

One cameraman seemed particularly anxious, speaking out before Winnie could inquire, while Mervin interjected with a serious tone, Naylor’s gone.” 

uld even 

Winnie was visibly taken aback. The others might not know, but she was well aware that Mervin had been keeping a close eye on Naylor from the start

Now Naylor had vanished, and even ditched his cameramen. Either Naylor had run off, or… 

Kane’s gaze shifted to the cameraman who was supposed to accompany Naylor, asking. What happened?” 


Chapter 100 

The cameraman was sweating bullets, II don’t know. Naylor said he needed the restroom, so we waited for him in the hallway…. 

After half an hour with no sign of him, we knocked on the door but got no response. Fearing something was wrong, we got the key, opened the door, andhe wasn’t there.” 

Meanwhile, Candace and Gentry, drawn by the commotion, arrived just in time to catch the cameranian’s explanation

Could he be hiding on purpose?” 

Although their show didn’t have any undercover plotlines, who’s to say the production team wasn’t stirring up drama? Did they arrange for Naylor to hide

The cameraman shook his head. He had immediately checked with the director after noticing the disappearance, and the director denied any such script

We were standing in the only hallway that leads in and out, and though the restroom has a window, it’s too small for an adult man to pass through.” 

It was as if Naylor had vanished into thin air within the restroom

Winnie’s eyelashes fluttered slightly. It’s impossible for someone to disappear out of thin air unless affected by some supernatural force. Could it be the work of a specter in the mansion

It is said that the more evil a person, the more likely they are to attract malevolent spirits for they harbor sinister thoughts stained with blood

She had hoped to wait for it to reveal itself before dealing with it directly, but now it seemed there was no time to waste

Let’s split up and search.” Saying this, Winnie made a beeline for the stairs, with Kane quickly following

The audience watching the live stream was in an uproar

No way, he’s really gone? Could it be scripted? Please, let nothing happen to Naylor.” 

Everyone’s serious expressions don’t look like an act.” 

A sudden disappearancecould there really be something foul at play?” 

Wait, why is Winnie heading to the restroom where Naylor vanished?” 

The viewers watched as Winnie confidently approached the very restroom from which Naylor had disappeared

Before anyone could react, they heard her say, I need to use the restroom.” 

With that, she closed the door behind her with a snap

Kane and the two cameramen were dumbstruck, instinctively wanting to intervene

That restroom was where Naylor had just vanished. Wasn’t she afraid

While Kane wasn’t close to Winnie, he worried for her safety, recklessly staying inside the restroom alone. Despite his urgency to find Naylor, he couldn’t bring himself to leave Winnie 


Inside the restroom, Winnie paid no mind to the confusion outside. The moment she closed the doc;, she surveyed every corner

The traces of a cold presence were faint but present, easily missed due to the mansion’s own 

shroud of shadows. No wonder Mervin hadn’t noticed

Her gaze settled on the mirror, and Winnie pulled a charm from her bag

A single mark on a person, activated by this charm, could instantly bind their movements or lead her to them

Yesterday, when she shook hands with Naylor, she had marked him with the charm as a precaution against any mischief during the shoot. Now it would serve its purpose

Back in the live stream, the audience was frustrated with Winnie’s sudden restroom detour

And Naylor’s fans were especially irate

Naylor’s missing, and she’s using the restroom?! This is infuriating!” 

If anything happens to Nay, I swear I’ll never forgive her!” 

Isn’t it normal for a girl to need the bathroom? Why harp on her? Besides, it’s not like she’s responsible for Naylor’s disappearance.” 


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