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True Tycoon Her Empire, Her Rules ( Winnie and Suzan ) novel Chapter 108

Chapter 108 

The tirade from the old lady was unmistakable in its anger and dissatisfaction

Yet, both Winnie and Kane, hailing from Emerald Bay and Capital City respectively, were entirely at a loss for what the elderly lady’s rapidfire words meant

Not only were Winnie and Kane befuddled, but so were the viewers watching the live stream, Where’s our translator when we need one? Come out, come out, wherever you are!” 

Is there a linguistics major in the house that can decipher what she just said?” 

It sounds like she’s speaking in old Mistwood City dialect. I’m from Mistwood and even I can’t make heads or tails of it.” 

Hold your horses, folks, I’m on it.” 

Then the translation came through, clear as day, What on earth are you bunch of melonheaded kids filming? Who gave you the right to just barge into that house and start shooting? A bunch of clueless chickens, the lot of you, waltzing into someone else’s homeIn front of the camera, Kane froze, his expression a rare blend of discomfort and embarrassment

Winnie stepped forward, calm as ever, even when facing the old ladyclouded gaze, and asked, Ma’am, do you know the family that used to live here?” 

The old lady seemed to glare at Winnie for a good while before blurting out something that, despite being indistinct, was clearly meant to shoo them away. With that, she turned her back on the camera and shuffled back into her home

Unable to pursue a conversation with the old lady, Winnie and Kane had no choice but to leave her be. But the day’s task had undoubtedly been tarnished by the old lady’s discontent. Kane, unaccustomed to such rudeness from the elderly, was subdued for the rest of the journey home. So much so that Gentry noticed something was amiss during dinner

Kane, Winnie, did something happen while you were out?He inquired

Kane remained silent, but Winnie shared a brief account of their encounter with the old lady to prevent future misunderstandings with the old lady

The guests understood but refrained from criticizing their neighbor on camera, aware that diehard fans of the celebrities could react harshly to perceived slights against their idols

Gentry realized his mistake in asking such a question on camera, but Candace swiftly changed the subject, It’s surprising, really. Everyone online says Kane’s charm works on everyone from 8 to 80! Who could resist that face?Then she added, That’s why we all voted for you two to go say hello.” 

Winnie thought for a moment before deadpanning, Well, the old lady must be over eighty.” 

The room fell silent for a beat before erupting into laughter

Candace cackled, Can’t argue with that logic, ha!” 

Gentry chuckled, Winnie, you do have a sense of humor.” 

Even Kane couldn’t suppress a smile

The live stream chat went wild with laughter

That’s right! If you don’t fall for Kane, you must be over eighty!” 

Out Kaney’s charm is undeniable, except to those over eighty, apparently.” 

As the laughter filled the room, Winnie sipped her tea, masking a hint of confusion with the simple act

Unbeknownst to Winnie, her subtle expressions were captured in crisp detail by the camera

Many viewers, drawn by her looks, were now charmed by these candid moments

Screenshots and GIFS of her meme spread like wildfire online

Back at the Bryant household, Horace saved the newly minted memes with a chuckle, sending some to his internetaverse father as well

In the adjacent study, Clifford raised an eyebrow in disdain at the memes, then opened his album filled with snapshots of Winnie’s best moments from the live stream, before resuming his viewing

The first night at the house passed without a trace of paranormal activity, much to the amusement of the live stream viewers who joked that ghosts couldn’t possibly be real

Candace, who had been nervous the night before, woke up feeling refreshed and even excited, This is my first time sleeping in such a house, and it wasn’t scary at all!” 

Winnie, descending the stairs with her, rubbed her eyes and agreed, Yeah, you just spent the whole night reciting every protective mantra you know.” 

Laughter followed from Gentry, who then reassured Candace, You don’t have to worry. The house might have bad vibe, but it’s not haunted. If there were any danger, my spirit guide would let me know right away.” 

Gentry had the look of a trustworthy man, and his confident declaration left little room for doubt, though Winnie did not challenge his claim, despite noticing his barely perceptible spiritual sensitivity

Candace, fascinated by the notion of a spirit guide, asked, Are spirit guides real? What do they look like?” 

Typically, a household may only have one spirit guide, and their appearancewell, they’re invisible to most. Only those who serve the spirit guide can communicate with them,” Gentry 

Chapter 108 

explained, implying his own connection

Candace blinked in wonder, neither fully believing nor dismissing the idea


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