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True Tycoon Her Empire, Her Rules ( Winnie and Suzan ) novel Chapter 118

Chapter 118 

Winnie, how come you’re totally uninterested in those charms?Candace observed that everyone had taken out their charms, except for Winnie, who sat unbothered by the whole 


Winnie casually replied, You’ve all seen it, there’s no need for me to show mine.” 

But what if there’s something different about yours?Candace persisted, almost pleading

Winnie remained unfazed and even took it for granted, I believe the lifeline that Bagot handed out should treat everyone equally.” 

Candace seemed convinced by her explanation, while Kane’s gaze flickered subtly across Winnie’s face

Hearing Mervin sing praises of that master earlier, it would be natural for anyone to be curious, even Kane wasn’t an exception. But Winnie showed no intention of even taking a peek

It meant either she already knew what was in them, orShe didn’t care what was in them

The former suggested foreknowledge, while the latter, strength and fearlessness

Which one was she

You seem to know a lot about this stuff today, and you can even read faces. Can talisman as well?Kane asked casually

you draw 

Winnie just gave him a glance, saying, After all, I’m about to enroll in the Supernatural Department, it’s only normal I know a bit about these things. Palm reading, I know a little, and talismanjust a bit.” 

Winnie touched her nose, recalling Mervin’s words

She was just too embarrassed to admit she was the Master Winnerhe referred to

After all, the reason she had made the name Master Winnerwas to selling her charms

When she first started, it was commonplace for her to practice drawing hundreds of charms a day

Not wanting to waste the paper later, she simply started selling quality charms on the website Ghostly Charms

She inadvertently built a reputation, with some speculating she had a wholesale team behind. her. Some even suggested she had a whole team of talisman artists supplying her

After her mentor’s warning, she grew wiser and stopped the wholesalestyle online sales, focusing on advanced charms instead, and as a result, her charms became scarce

This inadvertently led to a reputation for her charms being hard to come by

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Caretaker of Breeze Monastery was someone she met during her charmselling days

Although Winnie no longer sold charms online, she still entertained buyers who came to her directly, just not as naively as before

Mervin, being a devout student of the Caretaker of Breeze Monastery, must’ve heard of her through him, but since she and the Caretaker had only transacted online, he wouldn’t recognize her, and neither would Mervin

Winnie had no intention of revealing her identity

The only thing she hadn’t anticipated was Mervin recognizing her charms by their style. reminding her to have a word with Baily later

While they talked, Bagot approached to explain the plans moving forward

We were scheduled for three days and two nights, but due to the interruption of the live stream, the production team has decided to end today’s shoot early. They’ll arrange for everyone to rest at the hotel, but considering the shortage of footage, we might need to add a viewer’s case tomorrow.” 

The production had already set up a viewer assistance channel, originally planned for the second live broadcast, but now it seemed they could use it ahead of schedule

The group had no objections and proceeded back to the city in a grand procession. Meanwhile, the statement prepared by Baily and the PR team had already been released. Although Naylor had been taken away by the police, the production team was obliged to maintain confidentiality until the police released their report

So, the statement merely mentioned that Naylor had to temporarily leave the show due to a sudden illness

Online, the viewers had been waiting for an official word and were not pleased with such a vague statement, voicing their dissatisfaction in the comments

Some even posted photos of the police cordoning off the house earlier, investigating themselves

Folks, no need to guess, Naylor’s been detained.” 

If what he said on the show was true, he might never come back.” 

No way, wasn’t that just the show’s script? I heard they were banned from broadcasting because they touched on a real ongoing case.” 

The people and details he listed in the show didn’t seem made up at all, especially YolandaI know her!” 

Case closed, Naylor’s the murderer!” 

I don’t buy it, Naylor doesn’t look like he could hurt a fly, let alone kill someone.” 

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Didn’t you hearNever judge by looks, and even his face is a fake!” 

The production said it’s because of an illness, they didn’t confirm if the recording was real or 


And about that last frame of the livestream, still gives me the creeps it was clearly five figures


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