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True Tycoon Her Empire, Her Rules ( Winnie and Suzan ) novel Chapter 119

Chapter 119 

As soon as Winnie’s message hit the group chat, a flurry of replies popped up.. 

Amber asked, Is the show still running?” 

Cutler said. The show wasn’t axed? How’s that possible?” 

Springer said, I knew Winnie’s show wouldn’t go down without a fight!” 

Horace asked, Did dad have a hand in this?” 

Clifford replied, To be honest, I haven’t had the chance to step in yet.” 

The others thought, If Clifford didn’t step in, who did?” 

Just like Baily, the Bryants instinctively thought of the Morgans. After all, apart from their family, the Morgans were the only ones who could intervene in such matters

But whoever it was, the outcome was positive

In the midst of the conversation, a new message popped up. It was from Drake

Drake said, Heard there were some issues with the show. If you’re considering other options, you can talk directly to Grace. She’ll set you up.” 

Winnie raised an eyebrow, feeling that Boss Drake’s concern for her was growing

He had sent her a graduation gift last time, and now he was offering to help with this situation

But then she thought of Horace’s involvement and figured it was just another favor from her brother. So she replied politely, Thanks, but the show’s issues are resolved. We’ll be back on 

air tomorrow.” 

Drake saw the message and simply responded with a OK.” 

The conversation ended there, and just as Winnie’s ride from the production team pulled up in front of the villa, she bid the crew farewell and headed back to the comfort of the Bryant family home

Since the first episode was set in Emerald Bay, Winnie had skipped staying at the hotel arranged by the production, planning to join the group the next day

On her way home, Winnie placed an order on Ghostly Express to send five troubled spirits on their way to reincarnation

She also made a point to check on the weight of Ghost Baby, finding it still underweight, and resolved to continue nurturing it

While Winnie and the production team were moving ahead with their plans, Newman and Naylor, along with the child’s remains, returned to the precinct

Upon arrival, the remains were handed over to the appropriate personnel

Dressed in plain clothes and flashing badges from a special department, they carefully placed the remains into the boxes they had brought with them. Their expressions were grave as they picked up each bone, and everyone seemed relieved when the task was complete. However, the man responsible for collecting the bones frowned, sensing something amiss

Newman, always sensitive to such things, asked, Is there a problem?” 

The men turned, his expression guarded, Nothing major, just didn’t expect” 

As he spoke, his gloved hand reached into a corner of the bag and pulled out a bit of black ash. Recognizing the ash, he seemed to realize, No wonder, someone had cleaned upthese remains before us.” 

Newman recognized the ash on his hand as familiar and explained, The remains hadn’t been cleaned since they were unearthed.” 

I didn’t mean it that way,the man said with a smile, not keen on elaborating. He and his colleague secured the box, We’ll take these remains. The Smith Manor case will be fully handled by our department from now on. Thanks for your efforts.” 

After sending off the other personnel, Newman didn’t ponder much and briefed Naylor on the interrogation before preparing to search Naylor’s home for evidence

The serial case involving the young girls had already garnered significant attention in the city, and now with a suspect in custody, the task force needed to act swiftly

Especially since the Ghostly Guidance show had sparked intense online discussion about the case, it was imperative to resolve it quickly

Their car, followed by the evidence collection team’s vehicle, approached an intersection but unexpectedly ran into traffic

This isn’t even rush hour, what is with the traffic?the driving officer muttered under his breath. Newman glanced ahead, unwilling to waste time, and ordered, Take a detour.” 

Instinctively, Newman thought to suggest the left side street, but before he could speak, he recalled Winnie’s words

When things go wrong, remember to turn right.. 

As if guided by an unseen force, Newman said, Take the right side street.” 

The driver was confused, Wouldn’t the left be quicker?” 

Taking the right required an additional turn

Impatient, Newman snapped, Just turn right when I tell you, enough with the questions.” 

The driver shrugged and complied

The vehicles behind followed their lead, and shortly after making the turn, they heard screams and shouts from the direction they had avoided

Newman thought something had happened and told his colleague to pull over, sending 



another officer to check

Although they weren’t responsible for patrol and public order, they couldn’t ignore an incident. right before them

Soon, the officer returned, explaining, On the other road, an advertising billboard fell from a building. Luckily, no pedestrians were hurt, and patrol officers are handling it.” 

He spoke while clutching his chest, visibly shaken, Good thing we didn’t take that left turn. From what I saw, we would have been hit by that billboard, and it’s likely both our car and the one behind would have suffered.” 

The officer sounded like they had narrowly escaped disaster

Newman was quietly astonished

He glanced again towards the commotion

Was it just a coincidence? Do such coincidences really happen in the world

If it wasn’t a coincidence, did foresee this


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